Monday, May 28, 2018

Helix Fossil Understands

There's an event going on right now in Pokémon Go, and it's a good one. I'd like to save most of the details for later, but what's important right now is that part of it involves the Pokémon Omanyte, one of the fossil Pokémon from the first generation. Because of this, I'm also reminded of a bit of Pokémon humor, which involves the site Ask Helix Fossil ( Helix Fossil, of course, is the item in the main series games that when reanimated gives rise to Omanyte.

The site is very simple. Upon navigation, one is presented with a text box with the label "Consult the Fossil" and an image of the said fossil on top. One types in a question (of the yes/no type) and presses Enter. The fossil then "reanimates" and gives an answer tagged with "Helix Fossil says"; the answer page for the question can then be saved for reference. Now, if some of the answers seem familiar, it's because they're the same answers as those that would come out of a Magic 8 Ball, which means that this site is fundamentally an electronic version of that. The only difference is that it has a Pokémon twist with the Helix Fossil and Omanyte.

The humor part is that this site casts a role for the seemingly insignificant Omanyte. The lowly Pokémon has a clairvoyant role in this site, which allows it to answer and give predictions regarding just about anything. Whether or not it is to be taken depends on the person, but on the whole, it just seems funny that this is the case. Like the results of any method of clairvoyance, it's a take-it-or-leave-it thing, but given the Pokémon orientation of the site, it seems more apt that Pokémon fans will take it.

I'm at least thoroughly entertained just by putting in different questions and seeing the different responses that pop up. I'm not really one for clairvoyance, but at the same time, I won't disbelieve what does pop up. Still, this is a humor site, which does mean that it may be best to take things lightly. Why not - at least it can serve to keep a level head with the Pokémon Go event, with possibly more Omanyte to come, though ones that may or may not give out answers to life's questions.

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