Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Memories of Sinnoh

As with Hoenn and Johto before, when more or less of one generation has been entirely introduced into Pokémon Go, it becomes time for me to write its respective "memories of" post on this blog. (Kanto is missing for various reasons, but it will come when the time is right.) The current region in question is of course Sinnoh, and that's a region full of twists and turns, which include my own experiences with it. It represents a kind of a renewal, as things also took place while I was getting readjusted to other things. It turns out that Pokémon received lots of readjustments too.

The workhorse for the fourth-generation games, which include the games of the region (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum), is of course the Nintendo DS (NDS). I possess a certain one of these, which already has its own post from a long time ago. Playing the games felt a bit different, certainly due to the added mechanisms of the touch screen in battles. It's something that would remain standard even into the 3DS era of games. Beyond that, there were a lot of additions and expansions to take in, notably the new Pokémon and all their associated things. Without friends to play with, however, it still felt somewhat lonely. Friends only came along somewhat later, but even so, the games had a lot of things to keep one occupied, and I sure was. Influences of the Sinnoh region could also be felt in some of the spinoff games, which also took shape and firmly implants the fame of this region.

Ash's adventures (saga) in Sinnoh were also sensational and fascinating, which makes it a small wonder that I chose to start my path in cosplay with the outfit from this region. As much as they were what they were, they came in pieces to me, which didn't help matters much; the task was to put the pieces together. And with five feature films, there were certainly many stories to go around. With only a trio, Ash's company also returned to a classic arrangement, but that is OK. I also especially like the opening songs from this saga, for which one of them I have discussed previously and even formed part of the set which led to the first time I've gained a prize in a singing competition. They're all still lovely to remember, even if some parts aren't.

During this time, I had to readjust a lot, whether it was for Pokémon or other things. But Pokémon too was readjusting in some ways as well. I'm sure that this contributed to the memorable qualities, even though the convolution that was present during my experiences with Sinnoh was something in and of itself. It doesn't seem to matter anyway; the memories still stick out in my mind, and if anything, they remain alive in the present day and continue to do so with some things I do. I can't ask for much more than that.

One year ago: Helix Fossil Understands
Two years ago: Takara Tomy Pokémon XY Pikachu Plush Doll

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