Saturday, May 1, 2021

Like a Slowking Without the Shell

According to the lore, Slowking is actually a very smart Pokémon. In order to know about and uncover the mysteries of the world, it goes about to research them. As anyone who has to do as such can attest, including myself, that takes a certain amount of mental power. Also according to the lore, the shell (of a Shellder, reputedly) that rests upon its head plays a key role in this, as if the shell is removed, Slowking would forget all that it has learned and researched. That seems to be significant in more ways than one.

For someone to feel like they're a "Slowking without a shell", then, would be for that person to be in a constant state of forgetfulness, in line with what happens (or would happen) to Slowking as above. The person would feel as if the person is forgetting things all the time, whether before or as things happen. It may be that the person has planned things out beforehand (or stumbled upon a semblance of how things should go) but then proceeds to lose them before they could be retained somehow, or it may be that they were retained but then somehow the general idea was lost.

If this sounds like something that describes some situations that the author of this post - namely, me - has experienced, then one is not too far off. With the way that things have been going recently, I've had ideas for future posts tumbling around in my head but then fail to get a grip on them (that is, record them somehow) before they get realized, or worse, to lose my grip on them after I've somehow recorded them as an idea for a future post. It feels as though I have failed to become rewarded after my initial conception of them, similar to having Slowking's shell removed after it has researched things.

The lowdown is that Slowking has a great mental power, but all of that power becomes meaningless if the fruits of that mental power are lost due to having its shell "crown" removed. As the author of posts on this blog, I have some pride in my mental capacities to process Pokémon things for those posts, but then it becomes harrowing when I somehow lose my grip on the things that I process for them in what could be the same manner as Slowking above. The only hope is that Slowking and I can regain composure when that happens.

One year ago: Seek and Ye Shall...
Three years ago: Old Memories, New Memories
Four years ago: Indie Pokémon Stickers

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