Sunday, May 30, 2021

Quickies: Ice, Pokémon, and Chilling Out

In the first year I started this blog, I happened on something related to ice and Pokémon, and subsequently discussed it along with the links between the two. Recently, I've been in a quandary involving ice of sorts, and it does (or did) slightly impact my Pokémon experiences, especially at the time when the quandary occurred. It more or less sent me into a panic, leaving me unable to focus my thoughts on anything else, including for Pokémon things, though along the way I did get in some time for the daily essentials of Pokémon Go on the way to make the effort to partially resolve the quandary, but that was about it. The experience of the quandary (now resolved) is still rather pertinent, so I feel that I need to discuss it.

Perhaps the most applicable Pokémon for the quandary is one for whom its manifestation is appropriate. That would happen to be Rotom, and specifically its Frost form, which is the one that includes the type of Ice. I've already discussed Rotom in blurbs in a post in the previous month, and much of the sensibilities from then still apply to the quandary and this post. It may be that Frost Rotom might have been very helpful during that quandary, or it might have not, depending on its behaviors. Other Ice types might also have been helpful in the same way that Alolan Vulpix was helpful in one of the episodes of the anime, though it may also have proven to be a bit too much due to the severity.

Of course, discussing about ice and Pokémon evokes the all-important expression of "chilling out", which may be the thing that has been missing in recent times and including during that quandary. With the quandary slightly behind but still remaining pertinent, and the possibility of some freer days ahead as I've suggested in my previous post, it may be that now is the time to "chill out", in both the literal and figurative sense. The former would be with what I've gained from the resolved quandary, while the latter would be with whatever I do with Pokémon. Who knows - certain Ice types may still be in the mix and remain just as important as ever, with or without that quandary, and always with Pokémon. 

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