Friday, April 16, 2021

In Need of Rotom, Right Now

Every person may need certain Pokémon at some point or another, perhaps even I myself as a pretty big fan. One Pokémon I might stand to use right now is Rotom, which dedicated fans know that it can come in any of a number of forms. Some of the forms have a neat appearance and may be as helpful as their appearances would suggest... though "maybe" seems to remain the key word. That seems to make for a good point and counterpoint for a discussion.

On one hand, the more transformative forms (that is, besides its normal "spirit" form) look like objects that are helpful in some way or another. The Fan, Mow, and Wash forms are understandably as such - the last of these resembling a washing machine - and they seem to be able to make quick work of the situations to which they are relevant; the Fan form would appear to make the air comfortable and the Mow form would deal with grass in the garden efficiently, while the Wash form can deal with laundry as expected. The Heat form is a stove and the Frost form is a refrigerator, and they could be expected to be aids in the kitchen with the ways that they can help to deal with food items. All of these have some relevance with all the household things I want and need to get going right now.

On the other hand, Rotom in whatever form might actually be more trouble than it is worth. In all of these cases, the forms may be the result of the Pokémon "wreaking havoc", particularly with the machines which they resemble. Therefore, they might actually do an even worse job compared to the actual machines. It is also known for a fact that the Rotom Dex (while not being an actual Rotom form so much as it is Rotom in a device crafted to house it as it provides power) is also as annoying and troublesome as it is welcoming and assistive. With that in mind, I probably would not trust any of the Rotom forms to do their intended functions vis-a-vis the actual machines, though I could place minimal trust on Fan Rotom to make the air comfortable, so long as it doesn't blow everything around me out of order.

In any case, the demand is still warranted, and there is still a potential for Rotom to be helpful in some way with however it looks like. It has to be admitted that all of its forms have a semblance of proper functioning according to what they're supposed to do, if not for their potential unhelpfulness. Like some things in life, it may become a battle of balancing to bring out its helpful qualities based on the devices it resembles while keeping its unhelpful qualities in check.

One year ago: Fanboys and Fangirls
Four years ago: Dialectics

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