Thursday, April 8, 2021

Doing Well on Pokémon Quizzes, Right Now

Around a year ago, there was the quiz that I took by way of the national association of VGC players, which was in similar fashion to an older quiz by my local figure group. I didn't do too well on it, but thanks to my post on it, I'm able to recollect what happened with it. Today, some sudden affairs have forced me to deal with a certain kind of quiz, though it is quite unrelated to Pokémon. Yet that (in addition to the previous situation) got me thinking of how would I do in a Pokémon quiz if one were to be administered right this moment. The answer would have to depend on the material content of the quiz and how I relate to those materials.

If the quiz were to involve (generally) specific knowledge about Pokémon species, such as names, types, species descriptors, relationships, and so on and so forth, I stand a chance of doing reasonably OK, though I have to confess that my Generation 8 knowledge is at the moment still not very cohesive due to lacking familiarity with the generation. Still, some of the mess-ups could be significant(ly embarrassing) and I may not be able to forgive myself for it. I would rather wait until I'm sufficiently caught up until I would opt to take a quiz with a material content as significant and important to Pokémon such as this one.

On the entertainment front, there could be a quiz on the various details concerning the games, the anime, and possibly even books, manga, and other media. This quiz I would be more willing to take at the moment, given the association quiz in the past. If the materials are significantly diverse, the chance to do well should be good as well, but the potential to mess up is still as large as ever, also like that previous quiz. While it may be more forgivable than not doing well on a quiz of species knowledge as above, I'm sure I'd still feel bad about it regardless. But then not every Pokémon fan is expected to know everything at hand, and that may be the only consolation.

At this point, it may seem that the only Pokémon quiz I'll be able to do well on is a "personality quiz", which to my knowledge some quiz collections have incorporated alongside quizzes of hard facts. By all standards, everyone - being any Pokémon fan - can do well on this type of quiz purely by the numbers. But beyond the numbers, it may be that a subjective evaluation might put me over the top in certain Pokémon respects. I'm certain of the evaluative end, as I precisely had to make a subjective evaluation along with a numerical evaluation that one time I was the Pokémon-minded evaluator for others of different mindednesses. Others could certainly do what I do regarding how Pokémon is for me, and I would be tops as a result.

In any case, Pokémon quizzes are diverse, and I may be able to do well on some and not as well on others, even right now with all the business I have going on. It would have to be the one perfect quiz that I'm able to do well on all points and be able to come out on top. It could be a knowledge quiz, or it might be a personality quiz, but it is certain regardless that Pokémon quizzes remain fascinating for this one fan.

Now, I think I have to get back to doing really well on that quiz matter.

One year ago: Voyager of Glory
Two years ago: You Can, I Can
Four years ago: On the Road Again

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