Thursday, April 29, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 4/29/2021

April is or has actually been a busy month insofar as events in Pokémon Go proceed, which is part of the reason why I delayed this post up to today. Another reason would be that one of the events in the month actually started today, and for that, it makes the rollup perfectly timed for today. With all that going on, it's best to just get right on with everything that this month has or had to offer.

First up was the return of the Tricky Pokémon event, also known as the April Fool's event, mostly concentrated on that very day. Like last year, the event had deceptive Pokémon all around, including Ditto with expanded appearances. This year, the novelties are an "Aipom business" brought about by Team Go Rocket having only Shadow Aipom as well as more frequent appearances by them, a Timed Research set dealing with Team Go Rocket, and faster Pokémon switching in the GBL. The last of these was a true shenanigan for those dealing with PvP, but then so was everything for everyone.

Just around the corner in the first full week of the month was the Spring into Spring event, also a return from last year. As with last year, eggs and bunny rabbits are the norm, and the notable debuts this year are Shiny Bunnelby, Chansey family with flower crowns, and Mega Lopunny. The event this year was also helped with frequent Shadow Exeggcute, featured Pokémon in 2 km Eggs, new stickers, a Collection Challenge, and the Egg hatch perks from last year. If spring is a time for renewal, then there was quite a bit of renewal with this year's edition.

In the second week, there was the Rivals Week event. The main highlight of this event is Pokémon species that are often pitted against another, like Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. For this event, the emphasis was on the debuts of Skrelp and Clauncher, another pair of such Pokémon. To up the rivalry aspect, there was a Global Challenge of raids, with everyone cooperating for a double Stardust bonus while one-upping each other. Naturally, all kinds of the rivalry species became present in the wild, Eggs, raids, and Research - all the usual channels. There was certainly a lot of outdoing within that time.

Following the week of outdoing, there was a week of helping with Sustainability Week. The Pokémon of this week were of types related to the Earth (like Grass types that need to be preserved and Poison types that needed to be cleaned), and of note is Binacle making its debut. Along with Timed Research and Pokémon in the usual channels, the event came along with a social media campaign that promised bonuses if everyone worked together. The main point was still about helping, and some of that did occur in the span of the event, in and out of the Pokémon Go realm.

Along with the above, there was a new kind of event: Friendship Day, which I hinted some days ago - in fact, on the day of - relation to its main theme. This new event featured Grass-type Pokémon with major perks, which were a Collection Challenge, increased Lucky Pokémon chance, increased trade distance, triple Stardust, and extended Incense and Lure Modules, the last of these being familiar to those regularly experiencing Community Day, which was why I stated it was a partial model. Like Community Day, this may also prove to be capable of being remodeled with future iterations, offering something new each time.

Finally, there is the event that started today, which is the New Pokémon Snap Celebration - obviously intended for the new Pokémon game due to launch... tomorrow, which should be wonderful. The wonder of the game is brought into the Pokémon Go realm with the characteristic Pokémon, Field and Timed Research with focus on snapshots, and Shiny Smeargle with the Pokémon itself appearing in more photobombs throughout the days of the event, which will last until Sunday. This may be considered something to tide one over while waiting for the game with renewed photography spirit.

So many events were or are on the agenda in Pokémon Go for this month that it was easy for one to lose oneself in the Pokémon Go realm with everything that were or are on offer. Still, one could also find oneself with a variety of Pokémon surprises, both unexpected and expected, especially with some of the events having proven their worth from last year. They all seem to be worth it for a Pokémon fan today, regardless.

One year ago: The State of Cosplay

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