Saturday, April 24, 2021

Days of Friendships Persisting

A few days ago, I explained about how friends could be like certain Pokémon with their inherent qualities. Today, I got to experience a few of my friendship relations in a day full of them. Something that makes me glad about today and those friendship relations is that they are persistent, which I appreciate, and I'm sure my friends do so likewise. It becomes a good day for that.

In the afternoon, I attended a celebratory gathering with a number of my good friends to bless a couple of them in particular and all of us in general. None of them have any significant connections to Pokémon, with the exception of me and one other person who for a fact has Pokémon Go installed and opens it every so often, but I feel that they all could be Pokémon Trainers if they so chose. Or perhaps in terms of the namesake creatures themselves, they could be considered not only like Bellossom as has been stated before, but also a host of Grass-type Pokémon (and/or others) much like that in the Pikachu short movie for the second feature film. In fact, it could be said that the gathering was like that, which is a blessing for the day as well. 

Earlier in the day, Pokémon Go had instituted a new event that deals with friendships, both real and otherwise, and it's partially modeled after Community Day - even one of its mechanisms is something that hasn't been seen at any time in recent Community Day editions. Even so, I was still able to take part from home while faraway friends supported me and I supported them, one of which was by a Lucky Trade with fortuitous results. It was overall helpful for everyone and supported what would have been an empty weekend. I'll have more details soon, but this evidently pertained into this day full of friends.

Throughout the day, I was also entertained by the happenings of some of my other friends who I couldn't join because of either of the two happenings above or that they are too far away for me to be with them. Their persistence on updating me on their Pokémon or whatever happenings made me, a Pokémon fan, feel that I'm also experiencing them in a Pokémon style somehow. Moreover, the persistence of the relationships themselves are ascertained as if we were loyal creatures to each other.

I'm glad for the persistence of friendships, especially on this very day, and with me as a Pokémon fan. It's a day that one could hope to persist even at a different point in time, but still with the Pokémon connections, whether actual or imagined. And with that, my friends could also very well oblige (to get) in the Pokémon action.

Four years ago: Crossovers!

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