Friday, April 2, 2021

Getting Collective and Connective with Pokémon

There's something out there that has (at least) two patterns, one being collective and another being connective. Regretfully, I have to say that the thing that is described by these patterns is rather unsavory, so it's not worth it to discuss about that. Instead, it is much better and more worth it to discuss about good things like Pokémon. Incidentally, it seems that the two patterns can be discussed in terms of Pokémon and particularly its games, so the discussion becomes more deserving for the two patterns of concern.

It would be wise to start off the discussion with an explanation of how the two patterns are realized. The "collective" pattern involves people being banded together in a group for a common cause, and showing the identification that they belong as such. The "connective" pattern involves people being linked to others but not necessarily identified in or as a single group, yet the common cause is still there. The relation between the two is therefore that there are connections among people who are still directed towards a certain objective, but the connections are manifested differently. There is also an additional relation in that the former seems to have transitioned to the latter in recent times.

I can readily identify the occurrences of the patterns in my Pokémon relationships. The "collective" pattern used to be the evident pattern in dealing with the main series games and even Pokémon Go. Back when I joined the national association for the former and my local raid group for the latter, both were very lively on whichever medium of communication they are present on, and everyone liked that we bore the identification for the respective group. The "collective" quality is highly evident because of that, in addition to the common cause of promoting the play of the main series games and facilitating raids to occur in my local area.

But then things changed to the "connective" pattern. The association and group still exist, but now the former is just the front-end for people who play the main series and the latter is not only the sole facilitator. Instead, everyone is now linked in various ways and from various places, and the common cause is achieved through these various little links to make up the bigger whole. The communication has decreased somewhat in the different media of communication for them, and yet the main objective of the common causes can still be achieved through all the relationships.

Today's world is a tricky world, more so with current conditions at hand, so it may be understandable that things changed the way they did. The previous pattern of collectivity changed to allow for greater connectivity among people, but miraculously and thankfully, the common and primary causes could still be achieved somehow. Beyond the association of these two patterns to the thing that is unsavory, they do appear to satisfactorily apply to matters of Pokémon, and they may be considered good relationship dynamics after all.

One year ago: Quizzes and Knowledge
Three years ago: Artistic License

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