Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Mysticism of Pokémon in Caves

One habitat where Pokémon live and thrive is certainly in caves, as suggested by the title of this post. They're often dark and damp (dank) and in general not the most pleasant places to be in, at least not all the time. Even so, Pokémon still manage to be able to do what they do in these places, and not only that, they give the places a special character, becoming mystic places. It seems neat to flesh out how that may be, given the Pokémon that are present there.

When thinking of caves, it is easy to think of the flying things that persist there, which in terms of Pokémon are of the Zubat and Woobat species families. Some of these Pokémon lack (visible) eyes, and yet they still manage to persist, a mysticism in itself. It is likely that they use atypical methods of vision, which could easily be a source of wonder and therefore contributory to the mysticism of their environment.

In the world of Pokémon, there are various kinds of creatures that are not only seemingly made up of the materials of their environment but are animate as well (being Geodude, Roggenrola, and countless others). One would have to be very wary to either not encounter them, or otherwise make peace with them should one do so. Their presence in the environments and their characteristic of blending in with them only adds to the mystic quality and feeling.

Of course, there are other things that live in the same caves as them. In Mt. Moon, there are the Fairies of Jigglypuff and Clefairy. In the Fiery Path of Hoenn, Slugma and Numel may be a given sight. And in Mt. Coronet, it may be possible to see electrically-attuned Magnemite and Nosepass around. All of these add "local flavor" to their mysticism in addition to the general feeling one may have when they enter the respective places.

In the real world, caves have their own mysticism associated with them, whether ascribed by the environment or happenings associated with them. In the world of Pokémon, that's true as well, but the mysticism is only increased with the presence of the wondrous creatures in the respective environments. It may be safe to say that one will always have to deal with this cave mysticism wherever and whichever one goes into.

Three years ago: Other Pokémon Competitions
Four years ago: Pokémon Floor Mat

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