Monday, April 26, 2021

(Re-)Join for Good

Whatever I said, whatever I did
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
-- "Back for Good", Take That

As with most songs that I bring up in the posts on this blog, they have a connection to Pokémon, whether holistically or personally. The song that I've quoted above is of the latter nature and can be considered a "throwback" as well, since the connection goes back to a memory from so long ago and the song goes back longer (it's from 1995, a year shy from the inception of Pokémon). But both the song and the memory are sufficiently fond, so they're worth explaining somehow.

Now, this song is evidently a break-up song, as it describes the regret that someone has for an ended relationship and desires for the relationship to be put back together. The song practically ends with the hope that the relationship becomes as such. It's a pleasant hope for anyone in such a situation. As for the personal situation linked to me and Pokémon, it's somewhat different but vaguely similar.

Around the heyday of the second feature film, there was a picture-perfect scene of Ash that I recall that could be framed, at least by my impression; this satisfies the initial lyric of "got a picture of you beside me". The rest of the lyrics describe what could be considered my "detachment" when I'm not doing something related to Pokémon, with the bridge expressing hopes of reattachment (particularly "we'll be fighting, and forever we will be..."). The end of the song is where everything comes together, when I become reattached for real to doing Pokémon things, maybe also watching the anime to go back to the initial lyric.

I suppose the above situation involving me and Pokémon is somewhat hard to describe. But then again so are break-ups that become the overall theme of the song. At least it may be that Pokémon fans like me are happy but less so with other things, yet more so when Pokémon things are present, somewhat like the (re-)joining spirit of the song.

Four years ago: In Pursuit of Collections

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