Saturday, April 3, 2021

Cosplay: "How Are You, Communities?"

Me: Well, OK, so there's this thing. It's not really an event, but it could be considered a "test bed" for one.

Ash: Oh! Looks nice. Sure, I'll take it up.

Me: The concept is that the organizers wanted to check up on communities, hence the title. Of course, within communities, there are also great individuals, like you and me, so they want to check up on them as well, including us.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu?  ["I'm not an individual?"]

Me: Well, Pikachu should count too.

Pikachu: Pika! ["OK!"]

Ash: So what do you want me to wear?

Me: How about your Kalos outfit? That seems simple enough for now. And I think it might be time to try something new with it.

Ash: Like what?

Me: Oh, uh... Hmm. Looks like it's not going to work out at the moment. So let's just roll with the usual. There will always be time later on for when that happens.

Ash: OK, that's fine. So I got there, while doing a few Pokémon things for you, and it doesn't seem like much.

Me: That could be understandable because of things that go around.

Ash: That was at first. But then it got a bit more lively in the evening with some music.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika! ["Nice music!"]

Ash: Oh yeah, I got into the act: I sang five Pokémon songs in a row for everyone!

Me: Wonderful! That should be a great substitute for not being able to go to places with singing competitions.

Ash: I guess it could be like practice for them.

Me: Sure, you can think of it that way. Any other things of interest?

Ash: I saw a few people bring in their community things. They look neat, but you don't seem to deal with them.

Me: Believe me, if I did, I would have brought them in with you.

Ash: And that was all, really. It was just like a big gathering, and you sent me in to update on you.

Me: OK, so not much more to speak of. As for that "test bed" for that event, I think this ought to do nicely.

Ash: I'll be glad to take part if that happens.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika chu. ["So do I."]

Me: It should be a good thing.

Two years ago: Pokémon and eSports

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