Sunday, April 4, 2021

Moody Friends, Moody Pokémon

I have lots of friends. Some of them, though, may have wildly varying emotions. One moment they may be happy though slightly sad, then the next they may be really sad and a bit angry, and after that they are very angry yet happy, and so on and so forth. In these states, they can be described as people who are "moody". There is, however, something else that can be described as moody, and that would be certain Pokémon species. That would be because for the Pokémon of concern, "Moody" is an Ability that they may possess in the main series games.

This Ability has a rather unique stipulation: at each turn of a Pokémon battle, one stat is raised by two levels and another stat is decreased by one level. Under the right conditions, particularly an extended battle with many turns, this may lead to a Pokémon having a sufficient number of raised stats to be able to affect the opponent seriously. Not many Pokémon may have this Ability, and for those that may have it, it is a Hidden Ability, making this Ability somewhat rare even for the Pokémon who may have it.

The resemblance of the workings of the Ability to the real-world situation is uncanny. The friends that I described above are very much like that, being up in one emotion and down in another. Though they don't accumulate emotions in the same way that raised and lowered stats accumulate in battle in the main series of Pokémon games, the ups and downs of their emotions do resemble the mechanism of the Ability. There is no telling how they might feel at any given moment nor how they would feel the next. Similarly, the workings of the Ability are just as unpredictable as the shifts in their emotions.

As for this being a "Hidden Ability" of some of my friends, I wouldn't regard it too much in this manner. In fact, because of the way many of the rest of my friends are, it would probably not be considered a "Hidden Ability"... unless some other ones of them too start to undergo mood swings like the ones for whom I consider the Ability pertinent in its workings in comparison to that. At that point, it really would be a "Hidden Ability" that they somehow changed to while I'm not even aware that it happened.

At this point, I will pretty much have to accept that a select few of my friends will have this odd shifting behavior in this feelings - up, down, and all around. I am also rather accepting that the behavior mirrors that of an (Hidden) Ability for Pokémon in the main series games as well as the existence of the Ability itself. The Ability is something that one might face or potentially use in battle, whilst the mirrored real-life behavior is just something I'll have to deal in the battle that is interacting with them as best as I can, perhaps without inciting how the Ability works in that sense.

Three years ago: Gambling Not Permitted
Four years ago: One Thing

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