Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fool's Day 2021: Aipom Business

Hmm, yes. It's April Fool's Day once again, and the world is still quite uncertain. Or maybe not - even with uncertain conditions, some parts of the world are getting up and go, but still in a wary position. That includes for this very day, for which I've spotted quite a few pranks. As for Pokémon, that bears some discussion right now and some later on. This time, the overall topic I've chosen to discuss is the occurrence of happenings in the fashion of a "monkey business" - or rather, in the Pokémon case, it would be an "Aipom business".

The original term refers to action(s) that are considered trivial, silly, and/or foolish. But looking at what I've (and others have) done over the years with Pokémon, it is hardly such an "Aipom business". In fact, for many fans like me, Pokémon is very well something that has a guiding aspect. It directs how they can be entertained, connect with others, and most of all, enjoy life to the fullest by doing things around or in connection to it. And for the people who bring about Pokémon in various guises, it is a business to be sure, and it surely isn't an "Aipom" one. It is one that is tied to the hearts of many people, and that would need good business, not an "Aipom business".

Meanwhile, today it seems that a certain collective of unsavory people have decided to execute some "Aipom business" of their own, only this time it involves actual Aipom and not a figurative one. As it stands, though, this effort doesn't seem to bring them much benefit, and it instead makes them more of a pushover than they already are (at least if one is well prepared). At the same time, the Aipom they've left behind after being defeated have a uniquely shady quality about them, and if a good one is found, it may just be appropriate for certain purposes. Their "Aipom business" might just have some usefulness after all.

Not to forget:

Ash: I guess it'll be a while before I can show off for you.

Me: Maybe, maybe not. But if it does happen, you can be sure that the precautions today are a must - that's definitely not an "Aipom business".

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["So right!"]

Ash: By the way, I like Aipom. They're a neat Pokémon when they're calm.

Me: Sure enough. No one wants a rabid Aipom or even a host of them as with that one time in a certain city.

Ash: Maybe you'd like an Aipom too?

Me: That seems nice for certain purposes. But as with you, Pikachu is still tops in my book.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["I'm honored!"]

Ash: I'd have to agree!

Now, it seems the tomfoolery of April Fool's is ripe again to some extent. Some of them might be due to tolerable "monkey (Aipom) business", but as they say, too much of anything is never warranted, for Pokémon or otherwise. The good thing is that there is just enough of that to consider for today.

Happy April Fool's - and don't let the Aipom meddle too much with the mind.

Four years ago: It's April Fool's Day!

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