Wednesday, March 31, 2021

"New Daybreaks" for Pokémon

Therefore I came to "overground".
To declare it. The new daybreak.
U1 overground
I last discussed a part of the above comments for a piece of music on a music game - but with a Pokémon context instead - for a development that occurred around two and a half years ago. Now I'm compelled to discuss another part of it, but certainly still with a Pokémon context, this time with more recent developments. That is why I've quoted the comment above in full to link up the contexts. As for the current context, it would appear that it is the time for Pokémon to make some strides to go into the "daybreak", and as such the music comment became relevant once again.

It's also relevant for another Pokémon thing. Recently, the Pokémon Go app icon became updated with a neat detail: the horizon in the background became illuminated with a warm glow reminiscent of, well, a "daybreak". For the longest time, the background has always been dark blue, appearing to be set at night or dusk complete with some shining stars. But now, with a "daybreak" icon, the game is seemingly ready to move in a new direction, as if the game itself isn't already a new direction when it was released five years ago and it has had many new directions along the way.

Meanwhile, Pokémon as a whole turns 25 this year, which is a significant anniversary milestone, one that I cannot state enough. With that many years of existence, lots of things have happened, and they surely have. But while many of those things are remarkable, it may be that some of them are repetitions that have become (considered) stale. The natural thing would be to allow movements in new directions, which would allow for Pokémon to "chase after the daylight" toward the direction of "a new day". That has happened with Pokémon Go at a nice clip, yet for other things, it seems to be at a slower pace.

With the new Pokémon games that are announced to be in development and due out this year and the next, it may be that the pace is picking up, if at all ever so slightly. That may make sense - the journey to a "daybreak" may take a bit of time and the sights may not be as expected. But if they're good sights, as may be demonstrated by Pokémon Go, they could and should be deserving of longevity. In the case of the new games, the journey to the "daybreak" has only begun, while for Pokémon Go, the new app icon may indicate that the journey is already there. Still, much remains to be seen.

I personally still consider what I considered back then as "a strongly brilliant thing" to still be one, especially then. Only now, with a big anniversary and great new things to come within the times ahead, there seems to be a whole lot of more brilliant things. The hope is that at least quite a few of them will lead one to a "daybreak", though at least one (being the stuff related to Pokémon Go) may have indicated as such. Unlike the comments for the music piece, at least I don't have to "make the journey to the surface" to "declare" the Pokémon "daybreak"; I can let them unfold by themselves into a brilliant future for all.

Three years ago: Mauville's Progress

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