Sunday, March 31, 2019

Cosplay: ONEGAI Bunkasai 2019 - Eiyuu no Uprising

Me: Sometimes, you just have to go out on an adventure. So I've sent you to this theme event today.

Ash: Great! I love an adventure. Where's this one?

Me: It's in a little part of a faraway place I often send you to for theme events and conventions, only a little off the beaten path. You did manage to get there, right?

Ash: Well, yeah. The path was a little bumpy, but I and Pikachu got there.

Pikachu: Pi. Pi-ka. [shaken]

Me: I'm sorry about that. That's something new for me too. So this is another campus theme event focused on Japanese things with a unique title. It's a riff on "onigiri no egao de bunkasai", which means "Smiling Rice Ball Culture Festival", and the theme for this year is "Hero's Uprising".

Ash: The title is fun. I see that, but it does seem like it's got the usual stuff. There are indoor community and goodies stands, and food stands outdoors.

Me: Well, that's par for the course, especially if you see bands and dance groups on stage. You did see them, right?

Ash: A few, and they sound and look real good too! I think one of them knows you too...?

Me: Sure. I know a lot of people - mainly through sending you!

Pikachu: Pi! Pi, pika! [interrupting]

Me: Oh yeah. You too, Pikachu. I think you met at least a few of them.

Ash: Not just a few, but a lot! I think I got you in touch with many more of your friends than usual.

Me: That's always very nice. Now let's get straight to the point: I also sent you for a character parade with a great outfit, your Kalos one.

Ash: That's a great adventure.

Me: Some people wouldn't disagree. How was it?

Ash: I thought I did well, enough to win one of the three prizes. But I didn't.

Me: That seems to happen a lot, even though we did our best. You may have read about the tournament yesterday.

Ash: It might just be not our day.

Pikachu: Pi. Pikachu. [soured]

Me: It might be. By the way, I couldn't set you up for the singing competition, and I'm a bit sorry about that too.

Ash: Maybe you don't need to. When I came, it had already started - someone said it started half an hour by the time I came. You would have had problems sending me.

Me: Good point. Maybe it's best to wait for whenever there is a next time. I'm not quite ready with what I've got for you. What do you think about it overall?

Ash: I guess it's fun. It might not be a lot, but it's fun.

Me: By reports, it did seem fairly basic, but it made for a good one-day adventure. Don't you think?

Ash: Yeah, you know, it was a good adventure!

Pikachu: Pi! Pika pika pika! [heartily agreeing]

Me: Glad to hear. It perfectly ends this month too. Tomorrow we'll start the next month on a jocular note.

One year ago: Mauville's Progress
Two years ago: Nostalgia: Episode 672 - "Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!"

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