Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mauville's Progress

I'm amazed by progress in life. It makes me think that all the things we've done have moved us along further in life. As is often the case for me, this also brings to mind certain Pokémon things, and one of those things is Mauville City, the city that lies at the heart of the Hoenn region. Between its first appearance in the original third-generation games and its appearance in the third-generation game remakes, there are lots of substantial changes. And all of that represents considerable progress.

The two appearances are like night and day. In the city's original appearance, it looked like just any other city as depicted within the Pokémon games, with specific buildings of interest and not much else. It was a city, but appearance-wise, it didn't feel like one. All that changed with the city's new appearance, where the city appears as a rectangular building from outside and farther away. Inside, most points of interest from the original city are retained, along with some new ones and even upper levels to the city.

It's hard not to see this as progress. Cities in the real world change from time to time; there are always new things becoming present through the additions and removals of certain elements. So too this is true for Mauville, where the changes more or less represent how real-world cities change. Likewise in the Pokémon world, things come and go - although they mostly do the former - and Mauville City encapsulates that, in comparison of both of its appearances. This is progress in its truest sense.

Mauville's progress is quite amazing. What initially looked almost like a sleepy center to the region became a bustling place filled with activity. That's a big step forward in comparing how it looked then with how it looks now. With all the things now present in Pokémon, it's only natural for a city like Mauville, especially being at the center of Hoenn, to expand in an amazing way. It's as amazing as progress in real life, which I'm also amazed by.

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