Friday, March 19, 2021

The Post Malone P25 Virtual Concert

Well, this is yet another topic that I need to get out of the way fast since it's also long overdue. For the big Pokémon anniversary this year, part of it is due to be celebrated with music, as detailed the very month before. One of the participating artists in this campaign of music is Post Malone, and last month, timed with the onset of the anniversary, a virtual concert featuring the artist was held. That concert is somewhat fascinating to say the least, so I feel the need to write about it and highlight some of its finer points.

For those who missed the concert on its premiere, it can still be seen by way of this YouTube link. It's not an overly long concert - only 13 minutes in all - but it's enjoyable nonetheless. As it is a virtual concert, there is no audience to speak of beyond those who are watching like me and others, but the initial setting for it does contain a sizable emulated audience. In this concert, Post Malone appears in 3D form to blend in with the setting, which also does include certain Pokémon as the overarching theme of the concert.

I say "initial setting" because the concert takes the artist beyond the setting of a stage with an audience and throughout various places in the world of Pokémon. Naturally, the Pokémon that appear in those places also join in the fun as the "audience" to the concert. As for the artist, he sang a few of the songs he is somewhat well-known for, as well as the song that I also noted earlier as being purposefully tied in for this anniversary, and that one deserves its own discussion later on - as in, in another post.

Overall, the concert is pleasant, and the Pokémon setting sets the mood for the big anniversary, if that song alone doesn't already fit the bill. Some people have noted that Post Malone is a bit of a dicey choice for representation of something as universal as Pokémon based on his background, but his being practically "commissioned" for the song and the concert should mean that at least some good is seen for him, especially how he gets along (or has gotten along) with Pokémon all these years.

A virtual concert still makes sense not only because of what is happening in the world today, but also to be able to integrate the Pokémon connections further, and this virtual concert has definitely done that along with connections to a unique artist based on the songs that he sings. The big anniversary is still relevant even now with more to come for it, especially for the music campaign, and this concert is as good as any to be enjoyed and to mark an especially momentous occasion for Pokémon.

One year ago: No Sight, No Mind
Three years ago: PokéTerminology
Four years ago: Cosplay Hair

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