Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Localized Legendary Pokémon

Of all the different kinds of Pokémon, there is nothing quite like Legendary Pokémon as the representatives of specific regions. More often than not, Legendary Pokémon often identify their respective regions and vice versa. But it may also be supposed that they can also be identified beyond the respective regions of origin and even become a feature of the regions that are outside of their natural confines. This would amount to a "localization" of them.

In a way, this has already been affirmed by a particular case. That case would be of the three Galarian forms of the three Legendary birds of Kanto, as the identified regional or "localized" forms of these Legendary Pokémon. Like other regional forms of other Pokémon, they appear to have completely adapted to the region, yet they maintain a semblance of their original appearance. This is to be expected with the way that regional forms have been identified.

Yet it may be that some legendary Pokémon can exist as they are in different regions even though they are not in their regions of origin. In other words, they become "localized" to the region but not a regional form of that region. This would be the case for the scenario of the second feature film that features the three birds from Kanto and Lugia from Johto in a setting quite detached and distant from their original regions.

The supposition would also have to consider the possibility that there are more Legendary Pokémon of one species than there may be thought, also as per the case of the anime during the Johto saga. This would have to be a necessary precursor as well to the regional forms of the three birds of Kanto as above before they adapted to Galar. As for the process of how this can come about, that may be better reserved for a different discussion.

It's hard not to discount Legendary Pokémon as being regionally representative, in close association to the regions where they hail from. At the same time, natural processes can demand that they adapt or at least settle in different places beyond the regions they are so closely associated to. Given all three conditions above, it may be considered that the dynamics of Legendary Pokémon and their regions can be very complex underneath the surface.

Two years ago: Cosplay: Neko-Neko
Three years ago: Our Glory of Love
Four years ago: Multilingual Pokémon

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