Monday, March 15, 2021

A Year of Living Dangerously

Exactly one year ago (see below), I attended a cosplay event or convention that unbeknownst to me would be the last one I could conceivably attend - certainly, with Pokémon in tow - for a long time due to the onset of global conditions. The conditions themselves started to encroach upon my local area just a couple of weeks prior to that point. And after that point, it effectively became a "year of living dangerously" for really everyone but also me in particular. That would seem to be an important point that at this point in time has to be discussed along with the necessary Pokémon connections.

Most of the danger lay in going out, so it's conceivable that at that point, events and conventions fell like dominoes. This included not only cosplay as my own personal Pokémon front but also the tournaments of Pokémon Go as an emerging front as well as those of Pokémon in general. The safeguards are meagerly effective for simple matters but not larger ones as these, so it would be understandable that the danger is greatly amplified in them. The things that seem to pose the least danger included playing and enjoying Pokémon at home, at least after the initial setup is completed.

Fast-forward a year later, and things in my view are at the least still a little dangerous. I've already detailed my views on cosplay a couple of times, and they still continue to apply. It may be that I can still go out a little more frequently (such as for exercise with Pokémon Go) with the meager safeguards applied and that would lessen the danger, but the best practice remains staying wherever one is and not going out too frequently. With such conditions, it may be that the past "year of living dangerously" likely continues into this year, albeit a little less so, and the absolute most safe place still remains the home.

At the least, Pokémon is still present to accompany whomever during these potentially dangerous times, and it's something to be taken advantage of at home and - if possible  outside but with the appropriate safeguards. While it's anyone's guess when and how the danger will subside, I suppose that as I am a fan of Pokémon, some Pokémon things can still be done to a safe extent. And they will have to be the things that keep safe and are to be kept as such as well, in current times when life out there may still be (a little dangerous) and in a future when hopefully things will be safer.

Four years ago: A Psyduck Headache

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