Wednesday, March 3, 2021

More PokéStops in Specific Areas?

An "incident" recently transpired in Pokémon Go over PokéStops and Gyms in a certain area. Simply put - without too much detail of what the incident involved - a good number of them were lost. Yet it may be the case that a good number of Trainers would have benefited from them, especially if the PokéStops are truly relevant according to the guidelines of good PokéStops. The area also happens to be a dense historical complex, which conceivably could have many places as possible PokéStops or Gyms. This leads me to propose the idea of certain places being granted the possibility of having more PokéStops than normal.

The places that would benefit from this arrangement would be places where people gather - or would gather, if it were not for current conditions - and then do things like play Pokémon Go. The dense historical complex above would definitely fit, and so would parks of different kinds as a general place of congregation. Some of these places might have objects that are close together and yet equally deserving of a nomination (for example, a basketball court close to a major statue in a park) but cannot be both nominated for that very reason. Increasing the number of allowable PokéStops in the area should allow both objects to be nominated, and this would be a win-win solution for those who expect both.

A possible additional condition that could be imposed is that these places would be guaranteed at least one Gym, whether newly created by nominations or selected from an existing PokéStop. This would prevent efforts that are too intense in creating Gyms, particularly at the expense of other PokéStops or Gyms, whether near or far. I've been a witness to some of these efforts, and I can say that they don't turn out pretty well - in fact, they turned out for nothing. For a park, this would likely mean a possible EX Raid Gym as well, which is very much coveted and could have been the rationale for the efforts discussed above. The condition might be a difficult one to fulfill as with the core possibility, but it could make a difference as well.

A simple reason for supporting this possibility is that PokéStops are always in demand, and this is even more of a truism for heavy adventurers who like to seek out new places for their Buddy Pokémon, for the purpose of progressing the Sightseer medal, for good places to set up Lure Modules, and so on and so forth. The demand may be justified, but the mechanism of implementation for this possibility is just as important, for it had been said that one reason the PokéStops above disappeared is to keep things tidy. Therefore, some kind of a solution must also be considered in this regard, being how to keep things tidy while still having the additional PokéStops. I'm certain that some kind of a solution can be devised.

By now, the "incident" is gone and done, and the area is a shadow of its previous self. But that "previous self" still represents a kind of wonder for any specific area that could possibly have such a setup with its PokéStops and Gyms, meaning more of them in the area. Considering that, it may be well worth the consideration to try to realize the above possibility in such a way that everyone can benefit and it can be maintained as well as possible. Hopefully, that can prevent similar "incidents" from occurring in the future and realize great areas for playing Pokémon Go to the best extent.

Three years ago: Investing for PokéCoins

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