Friday, March 26, 2021

Be the Winning Team

There's something I resonate with on a Pokémon level, and that is for certain as I am a Pokémon fan. However, I don't want to approach it too blatantly simply because it doesn't seem right for me to do so. Instead, I'll approach it somewhat more indirectly. It might turn out to be somewhat more cryptic, but that may be fine as I've made posts with such a quality in the past. So here I go.

Each day, there are decisions to be made. For a Pokémon Trainer, these decisions might involve which Pokémon to train with, which Pokémon to send out in battle, what to do, and even where to go. Some of these decisions are very important, while others are more trivial. Yet it seems clear that it is hard or even impossible for one to escape this process. The process is vital for one to succeed, particularly for Trainers to win.

And win they do. In order to do just that, they have to have a winning team of Pokémon, one that can stand up to a variety of other Pokémon teams. It couldn't hurt as well to be part of a group of Trainers who also possess a team of similar quality, with whom they can achieve other successes in different ways. The challenge then becomes finding Pokémon and/or people who will join or to join with, and that's a significant one.

Once the joining is assured, the resulting team might be considered the one of its kind, or in other words "the one and only". Sure, it may be that the team is replicable as in the case of a "meta", but the original remains true to its essence and the spirit is also hard to replicate. In the case of a team of people, this is pretty much always the case. It may take a certain amount of camaraderie to conceive and maintain the spirit.

Perhaps the most important part is that a team that really triumphs really wins. For a team of Pokémon from one Trainer, the individual Pokémon would be triumphant over those of the opposing team. For a team of individual people, it would be the triumphant contributions of the individuals that make up the win of the team. In effect, the contributions of everyone in the team adds up to the effort of the team as a whole.

It's rather evident why I resonate with the thing on a Pokémon level, and that's because all of its key aspects may be construed to pertain to Pokémon, and in very good and relatable ways to people and Pokémon alike. Those who achieve this might be considered advanced or even sophisticated, but in the end, no matter how they are, if they can triumph as a team, then they stand to be victorious.

One year ago: Looking for Good News
Two years ago: Nominating PokéStops
Four years ago: Slowpoke Moments

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