Saturday, March 27, 2021

Quickies: Finding Pokémon in Trees

For the longest time since everything started happening, I've been unable to find animals in trees, at least those that actually inhabit them most of the time and not those that occasionally go up into them from the ground. That changed recently when I and another person found a squirrel (think Sentret) in a tree close to the place where I live. It is reminiscent of certain ones I've encountered in the past, both near and far. It is also reminiscent of a particular mechanism in an older Pokémon main series game where one can hit certain trees in order to knock down a Pokémon for an encounter and possible capture. The mechanism also affirms that the Pokémon of concern dwell in the trees, as places where one may find them even without knowingly using the mechanism.

The mechanism makes use of the move Headbutt, becoming a "field move" in this regard. There's a certain uniqueness in this usage of the move, which would ordinarily be limited to certain circumstances in battles. One of the Pokémon that could be encountered and then obtained in this regard is Heracross, which confirms its status as a tree dweller, being that it is evidently a bug of the truest kind. The trees are similarly a home for the "bug" that is Pineco, which bears greater resemblance to plant parts than it is to a bug, yet the fact that they are begotten in the same way by knocking them down from a tree affirms that they are very much a part of those trees. Neither are really like the "Sentret" that may be seen occasionally in them, but at least they are identifiable as creatures that are supported by the presence of trees.

By now, the "Sentret" may either still be in the tree or have departed for other trees and/or other food sources, with no guarantee that it is the same one if it were to return, provided that there are or may be others. But it's still nice to know that I can still encounter certain creatures from time to time amongst the trees that are present. It will likely take a bit of time before that happens (and maybe a bit of luck as well) but that will become a sight to behold. Similarly, the old mechanism from an older Pokémon game of the main series is something unto itself with the way that it works, with appropriate species for the occasion. Though I don't hope to encounter a beetle ("Heracross") or a pinecone ("Pineco"), the "Sentret" is at least the primary expectation, whenever that one may reappear.

Two years ago: Ingress and Out
Three years ago: Pokémon in Common Terms

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