Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Future of WhatsApp Pokémon Stickers

I've discussed some of my favorite Pokémon stickers on WhatsApp, and now I want to take the time to discuss possible changes to them, something I noted previously and similar to an old post about stickers. Being that the sticker infrastructure of WhatsApp is "open", in a way, it has plenty of room to allow for changes. And yet, some of those changes are more plausible than others, so they can be implemented more favorably. The fact remains that any and all of these changes can affect stickers, especially Pokémon stickers, which becomes the primary point of this discussion.

First up, there is the possibility of animated stickers. I stated initially that the stickers don't support animation, but some time ago, that changed, and animation became supported. That opens the door for Pokémon stickers to be animated as well, including derivations from certain other sources. Yet there may just be room for original Pokémon animations, given the openness of everything. However, there's a potential for this to be misused by putting up a very flickery sticker that is hard on the eyes, which has happened without relation to Pokémon; the hope is that this will never be, and that animations in WhatsApp stickers will be a great thing even for Pokémon stickers.

Another possibility for WhatsApp stickers is more expansible multi-part stickers. There is a certain Pokémon sticker that was adapted as a multi-part sticker, and it involves a coconut tree dragon. That works out in WhatsApp as well, though in WhatsApp it is possible to send multiple stickers and have them be arranged in a 2 by 2 box; a multi-part sticker in WhatsApp could totally take advantage of this, though the sending sequence and procedure should be established in order for the sticker to come out right and as intended. Further multi-part stickers can and should take advantage of this framework for as long as that remains the case as a distinct part of WhatsApp.

The state of affairs as above and the general openness of it all does bring up an important point, in that Pokémon stickers on WhatsApp can be very unique and original, combining new images, ideas, expressions, views, and so on and so forth. This uniqueness and originality is something to be sensibly maintained, and new Pokémon stickers can be created for WhatsApp that reflect different possibilities, rather than just being an adaptation of an existing sticker from somewhere. These different possibilities can then be potentially put into competition against one another, and these could be a precursor to a new set of official stickers. Thus, the creativity gives way to novelty.

Much is to be said about the implementation of stickers in the messaging platform that is WhatsApp. For most intents and purposes, it can be considered to be "open", and that openness allows for a lot of things, including Pokémon stickers of both the old style and new style. In the future, there are likely to be more new and creative styles of Pokémon stickers on WhatsApp, of which I'm certain that some might be able to be incorporated in the existing corpora of Pokémon stickers wherever.

One year ago: Virulent Impacts
Two years ago: From One Path to Another

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