Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Sentience of Pokémon

To different people - including both real and imagined - Pokémon can be regarded as amazing beings. They have impressive capabilities that rival or exceed those of the real world. One of those capabilities might very well be "sentience", or their sentient quality. For any being, real or otherwise, this could very well be considered an amazing capability in itself. For the creatures of Pokémon, the capability might deserve further considerations.

Some Pokémon don't appear to be sentient, yet they in fact are. Slowpoke could be considered the "poster child" for this, as in at least one case it is sentient, but it takes a long time for that sentience to be manifested in a response. Then there's Snorlax, which is likely to be found sleeping and seemingly non-sentient, but when awake and hungry, the Pokémon becomes a wholly different matter. The Beldum family is another one that seemingly falls into a gray area, but despite their body of unnatural substance, they appear to be quite sentient. Looks and behaviors are therefore quite deceptive in this regard.

Meanwhile, most Pokémon like Pikachu as the de facto mascot are definitely sentient, showing that they can feel (and then think) for themselves and reciprocate what results from those processes in their actions. Their "language" is sporadic in terms of elements, but it seems comprehensive enough to capture all of their sentiments in expression... though the big question is whether people can capture much of that. At least, most people can capture just enough to affirm the sentience of the creatures.

Remarkably, a select few of the creatures possess the sentience and are apparently able to demonstrate that sentience in a way that people could understand and truly affirm of their sentience. Mewtwo as seen in the movies is a major one in this regard in displaying its full-fledged sentience, by which the people then understand what is going on and can lead to dialectics, however minor.

The creatures of Pokémon remain an imaginary lot for most people of the real world, but they are as real as can be for the people of that world. Yet from what can be discerned about Pokémon, their sentience appears to be as real as can be as well, even if the quality might not make itself immediately evident. By all accounts, that should be considered amazingly impressive for the entire corpus of all of the creatures.

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