Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Favorite WhatsApp Pokémon Stickers

I discussed about Pokémon stickers on WhatsApp nearly a year ago, and since then, there have been quite a bit of changes, which might deserve discussion in a post all their own. As much as things change, however, there are a few Pokémon stickers that I go back to time and again, and these have become some of my favorite Pokémon stickers on the messaging platform. They were, of course, obtained from others by making them a "favorite", which is a symbolic act in a way. But then, they're all indeed as such. Only some are indeed more so than others, and here are some of those:

1. Laughing Mew - This sticker is fairly cute. The image for the sticker shows Mew with its hands close to its mouth and eyes closed, which is typically construed as its "laughing" pose; those who have played the first PokéPark game will likely recognize this. Given its light-hearted nature, this becomes one of my go-to stickers for when a pleasant response is demanded, which is sometimes the case.

2. Scrafty and Toxicroak - These two Pokémon have become quite inseparable in some cases, sometimes even in Pokémon Go, almost like partners in crime. As they appear in this sticker, Scrafty is giving Toxicroak a shrug, perhaps in response to an embarrassing matter. Accordingly, the sticker seems fit for such situations or ones that are felt as such. The image is rather comical and I'm entertained by it, though the opportunities of usage may be few. It still remains a favorite.

3. Giggling Shiny Riolu - The circumstances of this sticker is much the same as for Laughing Mew above, but the image is different. It shows a Shiny Riolu with its characteristic yellow color, and not only is it giggling, it's also grinning, which increases the sentiment. The accompanying textual caption also affirms the intent, and it's definitely light-hearted as such. It makes a nice substitute if not complement to Laughing Mew.

4. Munchlax Eating Popcorn - Munchlax is the "glutton" complement and predecessor to the always-sleepy Snorlax, and true to that, this sticker features Munchlax excitedly eating (or about to eat) popcorn. Such a gesture is also indicative that one is paying attention to something that is unfolding, and the sticker befits that situation. Yet its light-hearted quality means that not all situations will be appropriate for this sticker; still, I like it and it's nice to have it for when the proper situation comes up.

5. Bulbasaur with a Thumbs-Up - It's hard to separate WhatsApp as a messaging platform from the greater realm of social media, and by the same token, it's hard to separate not giving a "like" when the situation demands it. Here, Bulbasaur does so by forming a thumbs-up with one of its vines. It's one of a few I have with this message, but of all of them, this is the one I consider the most unique.

Most of the ones above do seem somewhat light-hearted, and that's definitely part of the reason for me making them a "favorite". Along with that, they also communicate much more than what they show. Because of the way stickers are in WhatsApp, there is no guarantee that anyone else other than I and my fellows will have encountered these stickers, but I'm sure that if the possibility arises, others might just make them as "favorites" for the same reasons as I've detailed above, and at that point, it would be fair to say that these are truly our "favorites" simply for that reason.

Three years ago: The "Generals"
Four years ago: Pokémon Food... For Us

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