Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tags and Tagged Search in Pokémon Go

As part of the Go Beyond update, Pokémon Go implemented a system of Tags, which allow a Trainer to label their Pokémon similar to how the main series games and related tools implement symbolic labeling, but in a less abstract and more free manner. Along with this feature, tags are also implemented in a slightly different way involving how Pokémon are searched for in the storage. It seems that this is a good time to explain both not only because of their interrelation but also to maximize their utility for those who use them.

First, there are the Tags. These are labels consisting of a name and a color (any one of eight), and multiple tags with the same color can be created, whether directly from Pokémon information or from the Tags tab to the left of the Pokémon tab in the storage to access them directly. Individual Pokémon can be tagged immediately from its menu, a group of them can be searched from the storage and then selected and tagged, or the tag itself may be accessed and then Pokémon may be searched for and have the tag applied by way of the "add Pokémon" button. Naturally, Pokémon may also have multiple tags applied to them as one feels they should apply, and the tags themselves are searchable as accessed from the tab, perhaps with the help of the other kind of tagging to be explained. If this feature sounds powerful, it should be, and there's a lot of potential in this system.

Then there is "tagged search" as I call it, which offers a more intuitive way of searching. Accessing the search bar now presents a number of categories that can be applied as "tags" to the search; some of these are search keywords or operators that can be applied by expert searchers simply by typing them in, so part of their purpose is to simplify searching somewhat. Only a handful are presented up front, but more of them can be accessed by tapping "See More", and the list is quite extensive. Doing this also presents one with a list of four recently applied search strings, which should eliminate some of the brunt of copying and pasting as well as aid those with memories that are not as sharp. The traditional method of searching is still applicable and can be used in conjunction, and in this way it is a powerful feature as well.

Thus, the tags allow the Pokémon caught in storage to embody self-created identifiers, while "tagged search" applies familiar search identifiers and more in a new way for searching. The common thread is that they make things a little easier for those who possess numerous Pokémon through their identifiers. In the context of the Go Beyond update by which these features were added, their utility can be very much considered "one step ahead" for Trainers whose future very much depend on all the identifiers that Pokémon may possess.

One year ago: Toxic People and Fans
Three years ago: Father Figure?

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