Monday, March 22, 2021

Pokémon SM KFC CKM Toy: Rockruff & Premier Ball

In January, I obtained one of the toys from a series of Pokémon fast food toys, thanks to fortuitous circumstances and information. I also noted that I do have a small desire to obtain some of the other members of the series of toys. Two months later, that was finally realized, and I obtained one of them. Quite fortunately, it's the Rockruff & Premier Ball toy, one of the ones I desired. I got this one yesterday (unlike last time when I obtained and reviewed the toy on the same day) and I've had a bit more time to experience the toy, enough to make this review today.

Since the time I got the previous toy, the promotion for them had expanded. They returned to the "kids meal" section, but they also came with an added promotion for the local TCG, with the peak of the promotion timed with this year's big anniversary of Pokémon. As such, it becomes clear that by now the "hoarders" have gotten ahold of the promotional cards; a friend who ordered the meal a few days ago evidently didn't get the card even though the toys were still available. In fact, yesterday was the last day of availability for the toys, so I was fortunate to be able to get one of the last offerings the other day.

As with the previous toy, I obtained this one by way of random selection (in both cases, being ordered from home, as it wouldn't have been possible to go out anyway). A friend notes that I'm at the mercy of the selection process, but since I'm not going for all the toys - it would have been implausible, not to mention costly to do so - I'm fine with whatever I got. Still, it seems that my experience with this toy hasn't been too fruitful, like the other toy. This one has Rockruff sitting on a coaster, which is spring-loaded onto a launcher inside the ball and released with the push of a lever... or at least that's how it's supposed to go, as it seems that the one I got has a flawed mechanism. Since I've played with it, I've only been able to launch Rockruff twice, and one of those times was not as dictated by the instructions. This toy seems to be set as another Pokémon showpiece, but that seems to be just as well.

As the last day to get the toys was yesterday, the window of opportunity to get these toys is now closed. But the window of opportunity to enjoy them have only just been opened, even it may not be as intended. Likewise, I'm happy with the Pokémon toy, pleased that it was one of the ones I desired, and satisfied that another member of the series of toys made it into my collection. These toys should remain very much appreciable for those who have gotten ahold of them, including me and some of my Pokémon fellows.

One year ago: Celebi @ Everywhere
Two years ago: At the Same Time
Three years ago: Shiny Lugia Obsessions
Four years ago: A Passion for Red

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