Sunday, January 10, 2021

Pokémon SM KFC Family Meal Toy: Mimikyu & Ultra Ball

Typically, I don't review Pokémon merchandise the very day I get them for one reason or another, one of them being that I'd like to take in the experience with them. However, I'm somewhat under a time crunch now, so I can't be bothered to save it for a later time. And indeed, I got the very merchandise I'm about to discuss in this very post today due to just-in-time circumstances. It's part of a new series of fast food toys, although the involved depictions are nothing new.

Recently, the fast food chain indicated in the title of this post introduced that new series of Pokémon toys, though it is based on the anime series (Sun & Moon) that became locally popular around a year ago. As with fast food chains in general, toys are usually included as part of the "kids meal", but this one was offered as part of the "family meal", or rather a special offer as such. I first learned of their existence thanks to my raid (sub-)groups a couple of days ago but didn't think much of it, considering that it required spending for quite a bit of food. Today, however, I had a few people over, and therefore it was the perfect circumstance to spend for this "family meal" and get a toy.

By random selection, I received the Mimikyu & Ultra Ball toy. For some odd reason, I seem to be attracted to Mimikyu and keep getting merchandise based on it - not that I'm complaining, but it's OK nonetheless, ideally wanting the others as well. In another coincidence, it's also (supposed) to be a "spinning top" toy, much like two of a different series of toys for a different chain from last year. Much as I've tried, though, even following the instructions, I could not get the toy to spin. It still looks good as a Pokémon in a Poké Ball toy, and that's the thing that matters.

Furthermore, this "family meal" is a "weekend special", with this being possibly the only weekend that features it, as tomorrow, greater social restrictions will be in place. While I'd love to get more of them like I did for the other series of toys, it would be prohibitively expensive, and therefore only one suffices. If I had my choice, I would of course go for Pikachu & Poké Ball, though I'm also partial to Togedemaru & Quick Ball or Rockruff & Premier Ball. The fact that I only knew about this a couple of days ago also throws me for a loop, and there is not much that I can do, except for this fortuitous circumstance in ordering.

Altogether, it's not half bad. The people I were with (and me) got a bit of food, I got myself on Pokémon merchandise, and that led to content for this blog. The toy ultimately left something to be desired, but again, I'm not unhappy - a Pokémon toy is a toy for its fan, and I appreciate it regardless. And I suppose that as a fan, it's appropriate enough to take appropriate action to get one's hands on something loved and appreciated for it to be able to be appreciated by others.

Three years ago: A Pokémon-Pikachu Balloon
Four years ago: Where It All Started

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