Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Pokémon-Pikachu Balloon

Balloons make any festive occasion more festive. Of course, they're also festive any time, which explains why they are also sold in certain places. While on an errand today, I saw a really good-looking Pikachu and Pokémon balloon for sale by a balloon vendor. It was so good-looking and decently priced that I had to just pick it up not only for the purpose of making it mine, but also to evaluate its merits in a post.

The balloon is a circular cushion-like balloon, which looks thin from certain angles and round otherwise. The design on the round parts feature the colors of white and yellow, as well as Pikachu and the Pokémon logo. What makes the balloon design neat is that it's double-sided, and each side has a unique design. One side has one Pikachu image, and the other side has a different one. And on one of the sides, the logo is placed in Pikachu's tail. I question this design choice, but it seems to work nonetheless.

At the least the design does not incorporate the Go emblem, in that way appearing more universal. This is also a floating balloon, as may be evident from the pictures; the fact that floating balloons may be hard to come by nowadays brings some concern as to what may be inside the balloon. Still, a floating balloon is a nice touch and lends itself to different settings, at least until it naturally deflates, something that is true of any balloon. By then the balloon could be usable as an ornament.

This balloon has all the makings of a good Pokémon merchandise with an attractive design and a unique appearance, though admittedly this kind of merchandise does not stay in its current shape for a long time. It really is a festive one, considering merchandise of a similar type. Perhaps it really was meant to make that errand that I was on today a little more festive.

One year ago: Where It All Started

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