Thursday, January 10, 2019

Custom Pokémon Merchandise

In discussing Pokémon merchandise made out of ceramics in my post the other day, I mentioned the possibility of custom merchandise, though I stopped short of explaining how this could possibly be realized. A custom merchandise would be one that I would request to be made, which can then be sold not just for me, but for other people as well. It almost alludes to doujin or indie merchandise, only the conception involves me personally. And it's something that has a great deal of possibility.

In the case of ceramics as in the other post, I could perhaps request some kind of Pokémon figure to one of the ceramic shops; they then would oblige and produce the figure for me, and perhaps produce more to account for the possibility of other interested people in the figure. Granted, they may need incentive for the production, but they might just consider it for others that may be interested in the same. Regardless, this would become Pokémon merchandise that is primarily uniquely created for me, and thus "custom".

A similar process could apply for other custom Pokémon merchandise. I'd submit a merchandise suggestion (for example, a notebook with a certain design) to a maker, then the maker would create the merchandise and be open to offer it for sale to others. It's still "custom" since I have a contribution to it and I conceived the idea, even if the novelty is decreased by it being offered to others. It would remain truly "custom" if it was truly for me and no one else.

It does seem like the way that this merchandise is, it blurs the line between "creation" and "merchandise", which happens to be two tag categories for my posts on this blog. At the least, anything that I've personally created by my own efforts and shared here will get the "creation" tag, which it otherwise won't. And if it's something physical that I can offer or can be offered to others as a gift or for sale, then it would get the "merchandise" tag. The "custom" merchandise would then really stay "merchandise" by this line of reasoning, even if I ended up being the maker.

Even with the great deal of Pokémon merchandise out there, whether official or indie, I'd sometimes have the desire to have something that's unique and personal. Custom Pokémon merchandise would definitely fill this void. I could request it to be made with me in mind, or perhaps I could even make something of my own and then offer it to others - while keeping one for myself, of course. Now I'm even more intrigued to see that it can happen.

One year ago: A Pokémon-Pikachu Balloon
Two years ago: Where It All Started

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