Sunday, March 21, 2021

Let's Talk About Waiting Games

Me: Did you know? There is a game that's not really a game.

Ash: What game would that be?

Me: That would be the "waiting game". It means you don't do anything - at least for just a brief amount of time - so then you can do something effective after that time.

Ash: Oh, like in a Pokémon battle where I have Pikachu dodge attacks, and then when the time is right, it does a Thunderbolt for a direct hit?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Attack!"]

Me: Yeah, a little like that. In fact, you could say it's like that for a Pokémon effort I'm involved in. Sometimes you have to attack right away with what works for that, but other times you have to wait a bit before doing so.

Ash: I get it. Sometimes the obvious move isn't the best move at that moment. You have to try to find the right moment, then you go in for the attack. That's when you take control.

Me: Indeed. But you do seem to have to be patient for that.

Ash: That is part of the game, as you say.

Me: Sure enough. Speaking of moments, you've had your waiting game moments, but not in battle. They were in the Pokémon Center, waiting for one of your Pokémon to heal.

Ash: Those times were tense. You could say that it was all I had in mind then. It was pretty much a waiting game.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu. ["Yeah, really."]

Me: If I were in your shoes - and in a way I am - I would've done the exact same thing, so I feel for you. 

Ash: Trust me, you don't want to be in these moments too often. That waiting game is hard.

Me: No, I suppose I don't want to, and I'm sure you're right.

Ash: By the way, when are you going to "drop by" Galar? It's been some time since we knew about it, you know.

Me: I don't know. Before I can "drop by" Galar, I have to resolve a few other businesses, and I can't do anything about that until those are done. It's a "waiting game" that for now has to continue.

Ash: I think I understand. Whatever you do, make sure you try to get the complete package so you can have fun everywhere in there. I can vouch for it.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["I can too!"]

Ash: Maybe after that you'd like to do other things?

Me: Oh, I'd love to take pictures of Pokémon, or maybe serve up things in a café, or maybe consider other regions as well.

Ash: I think that would be neat, but maybe those are other "waiting games".

Me: I have no doubt. I for one can't wait to send you to events and conventions again for the purpose of fulfilling our shared goals.

Ash: But is there really one right now? If there is, would you feel comfortable doing that for me as much as it is convenient for both of us? Think about that.

Me: Maybe, maybe not. Even if there were, with the state of things so far, I'm still quite nervous. I think we have to play the "waiting game" for somewhat longer.

Pikachu: Pi pika. Pika pika! ["That's OK. We can wait!"]

Ash: Don't rush it. I'll go when you can be sure it's safe for me to go. I'll still do whatever you'll need me to do. Once things are clear, then the waiting game is over.

Me: You are absolutely right. It seems that when that happens, life can go on as intended, for my own objectives and - I'm sure of it - for much of yours as well.

Ash: And if it's possible, we'll try to be there for you too.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

Me: Game on.

Two years ago: Gender Appeal

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