Wednesday, March 21, 2018

At a Loss... in Lavender Tower

More than a year ago, I discussed a particular incarnation of the "Loss" meme that just happened to involve a Pokémon element. Some memes seem to really get around, and "Loss" seems to be one of them, being popular in all its various guises, whether involving Pokémon or not. And recently, I have been seeing that the meme received another incarnation involving Pokémon:

For those of you who have never played the first-generation games as they appeared on the monochrome Game Boy, this is one of the floors of the Lavender Tower in Lavender Town, which is a place known for its ghostly and spooky encounters. Or at least it could be, since the layout is slightly altered for the purpose of displaying the meme. As I've noted in my previous post, the meme follows an A-AB-AA-AC sequence in a 2x2 grid; in the case of this incarnation, note how the columns of stones divided by the middle row and column of stones are arranged.

On one of the times I saw this image, I saw it with a caption that also had a humorous effect. The caption told of someone stopping to play the game not because of the spook from the tower, but the spook from this arrangement of elements. What this tells me is that whoever wrote the caption also showed an understanding of the meme in addition to Pokémon. The meme is after all a jocular response to a serious issue that wasn't portrayed well, so this could be perceived as a "spook" as well - in a tongue-in-cheek manner - as much as the setting is a spook in and of itself.

For some people, Pokémon speaks volumes, even in some humorous portrayals. For others, the meme of "Loss" speaks volumes, even as unintentional humor. I'd like to think that whoever created this incarnation of the meme (as well as the previous incarnation) agree for both of them, enough that it led to the creation of the memes. The interpretation becomes fun to see too, as the meme gets around.

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