Friday, January 27, 2017

A Loss Is... A Loss?

I happened upon an odd yet Pokémon-related image some time ago. Here is the image in question:

At the time I found this image, I wasn't aware of the covert symbolism in the image. All I cared was that it showed Ash in four different poses. It wasn't until later that I found out that this image is one of many related to an Internet meme called "Loss". To make a long story short, this meme is the result of a popular humor webcomic attempting to address a more serious issue (which was in fact a loss of sorts), but the delivery didn't go over well with some of its readers, who then took to parodying the particular comic in all sorts of ways... including in the above manner. Anything that fits an A-AB-AA-AC sequence (oftentimes in a 2x2 grid) can be construed as a "Loss" meme; for the above, pay attention to how Ash holds up the fingers of his right hand.

This particular incarnation of the "Loss" meme strikes a chord for fans of the Pokémon anime, including myself, because avid fans know that bearing one exception, Ash has never won a league title for one reason or another; his efforts were in fact stopped cold by a "loss". Thus the above image could be thought of as being somewhat prophetic, unless something changes in the future. Let us hope.

When something so odd can invoke something so true, it makes you and me wonder. And perhaps, Ash too is wondering.

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