Saturday, March 6, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day, 3/6/2021

OK, well, Pokémon Go Community Day is once again early in the month. And that may or may not mean much of anything. But a common thread among many editions of Community Day is that there's some significance with the featured Pokémon species of each. Such remains true with this month's edition, for which the featured species might have Trainers seeing red not because of anger, but in the spirit of bravery. True to that, the Pokémon is highly appropriate.

For this month, the featured Pokémon for this month's Community Day is the venerable Fletchling. It is the first Pokémon of the sixth generation (and from the Kalos region) to be featured in a Community Day in Pokémon Go. It also becomes the debut for its family's Shiny forms, unlike for the past couple of months with an existing-but-not-common Shiny form. For its final evolved version of Talonflame, it gains the Fast move of Incinerate, befitting its Fire type and fiery nature. Talonflame is not exceptionally strong CP-wise, but is exceptionally usable in some different cases, and the STAB framework provided with the special move makes it more so.

The regular bonus this time around is tripled XP for captures, which may be an incentive to just capture as many Fletchling as possible and may befit those who like to collect XP, especially to go up levels. As appropriate for current times, the plethora of incentives regarding Community Day remain the same even today, with extended Incense, snapshots, and so on and so forth, though there is no Timed Research, most likely because the species family is a normal Pokémon species family. The paid Special Research titled "The Bravest Bird" returns to its normal purchase paradigm, but that's not too much a problem; its tale of the characteristics of the Fletching family should inspire quite a bit of bravery itself.

Much like last month, I ended up spending time with a close friend and the lost-but-now-found friend to capture the Fletchling, but not before I made my own ventures to deal with a few friend-related matters and others to make this Community Day work. That included switching to a Mega Evolved Buddy Pokémon to regain the Mega Energy and obtain additional Fletchling Candy, which is now more important than ever: my Candy stock really balooned thanks to this effort. With 20 Shiny Fletchling in my collection, I evolved the "best of the best" (Shiny, for PvP, general use, and others) to result in a host of Talonflame ready for all sorts of occasions.

If Fletchling and its species family are considered the bravest bird(s) of them all, then they're likely to and should inspire Trainers to be all that they can be, and to see red - the hallmark species color - as a mark of bravery rather than anger. Pokémon Go and its Community Day seems to make a fine venue for that, and the significance remains appropriate, whether it's for this time with current conditions, or the next when the bravest of bravery returns.

Three years ago: Bipeds and Quadrupeds
Four years ago: Ride the Pokémon

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