Sunday, March 28, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 3/28/2021

This month has actually been a busy month for me, leaving me with less time to play Pokémon Go than usual. By the same token, this month has been a moderately busy month for Pokémon Go, with a few exciting events in it. Even with less time to play, I've been able to experience the events of this month, and they're a fascinating blend of things that need to be summarized in this month's rollup, which is a good thing for today. 

This month kicks off the Season of Legends, which is something I've noted early on in the month. It would be wise to have something to build up on the start of that, and that was what the "Searching for Legends" event was for, which took place in the second week of the month after things had settled in. The star of this event was the Nosepass family, who now could be Shiny. Accompanying the species family was a host of Pokémon of the Rock, Ground, and Steel types in all the usual channels, being in the wild, Research, Raids, and Eggs, plus a Timed Research set. It was said that Nosepass (and perhaps its evolved form Probopass as well) can help "sniff out" Legendary Pokémon, and I'll believe that, even if it may not be Shiny, which was my case and for a few others.

After "earthing oneself", so to speak, with the previous event, it was then time to "Charge Up" with Electric-type Pokémon, which became the next event in the third week. It's the first of its kind, in line with similar type events of Psychic Spectacular and Bug Out. Along with a menagerie of Electric-type Pokémon in the usual channels and a Timed Research set, this event also marked the entry of Mega Manectric and the Tynamo species family. A good part of the event, besides being devoted to Electric types, is also devoted to Mega Evolution, with new Field Research tasks could be completed to earn Mega Energy, and thus the Mega Raid Hour becomes an appropriate complement. For a first-time event, it promised great things, which should be even greater the next time around.

As the last event of this month in the last week and a half, there is the "Weather Week". This event celebrates the wonders of weather, with Pokémon that correspond to Rainy weather for the first half of the event, then to the Windy weather for the second half. Accordingly, the Timed Research is paced for the inclusion of tasks oriented to the kinds of Pokémon included during each phase of the event. For those who actually experience Rainy weather, they can expect to encounter Castform in its Rainy form, which can now be Shiny, marking its debut. This event is slated to conclude in a day, also wrapping up this month.

Meanwhile, there were a couple of extra and complementary events. The first was an Incense Day on the last day of "Searching for Legends", featuring both Psychic and Steel types as well as Beldum, which made this resemble a "Community Day adjunct" of sorts. The second was yesterday and today, with a Special Raid Weekend featuring Rayquaza, as the most emblematic Legendary Pokémon of the Windy weather, featuring two of the three types that are boosted in this weather. Both of these provided different challenges and yet also made up for existing ones, whether of this event or others.

Looking at the events, the businesses of the month in Pokémon Go and in particular those events were to explore, expand, and experience, however much time anyone has to devote to doing so. In that way, they do seem to mark a good start to the Season of Legends, which will continue its tribulations soon enough. I'm sure I and the other Trainers will be able to deal with those, particularly in my case as well.

Four years ago: A Pikachu Wall Hanging

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