Thursday, March 28, 2019

Local EX Raid (and Priorities), 3/28/2019

It's been more than three weeks since I had participated in an EX Raid, and I have to say that I've not been keeping up very well with them. So that meant the next one had to be a priority, something that needed to be done to change things up. I got that EX Raid today, and it turns out that there were a few other priority things about it.

This EX Raid happened to be the first one in my area to feature the Defense Form of Deoxys. The changeover to the form actually occurred with EX Raids starting with those scheduled from Monday earlier this week, but since there were none in my area by then, this effectively became the first one - and so far, the only one, as there are none concurrent with this one. That should change somewhat soon enough.

The place of the EX Raid also seemed to represent a kind of priority shift. When I initially raided the Gym to get the EX Raid Pass, another EX Raid Gym had happened to be open for raids as well, so I raided them both. The Gym that hosted this EX Raid was, in fact, the second to be raided, after I had raided the other. At the time of the distribution, I received the EX Raid Pass for this Gym instead of the other. While I had half-expected to see an EX Raid Pass for the other, I accepted this one, though I and a few of my raid fellows couldn't help but wonder if this actually meant that this Gym had somehow gained importance, and therefore priority.

When the day of the EX Raid came, there was another priority, which was utilizing the invitation privilege bestowed on all EX Raid Passes since a few months ago. My task this time was easier since most of my Ultra Friends had already received theirs on their own or were invited by someone else. In the end, the choice fell on someone who could really take advantage of the EX Raid within the near future and didn't have the means to receive one most of the time. This too was a priority consideration.

Deoxys among the lions.

The results of this EX Raid can be considered optimal. There was a coordination for three battle flights (plus a late one), which was necessary due to the strength of this particular form of Deoxys. I (and the friend who I invited) didn't get a sufficiently strong one, but it's a good start. There should be plenty of opportunities in the coming weeks to get a strong one. It's not a top priority, but it's a priority nonetheless, as this particular Deoxys form may have its uses, unlike the others, which tend to be "fragile" to put it lightly and by first-hand experience.

After having spent quite a bit of time on the previous form, this Deoxys EX Raid is quite a change. Its strength calls for Trainers to really band together to take it down, and the invitation function of EX Raid Passes should be helpful for that. The formidable quality of this form will demand Trainers to join in... which should mean a changing of priorities, however slight. It's something to be seen as the Defense Form makes its priority presence for some months ahead.

One year ago: More on Ali (and the Early Manga)
Two years ago: A Pikachu Wall Hanging

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