Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Virulent Impacts

Those who read this blog frequently may have noticed that it's nearing the end of the month and there has been no sign of a Pokémon Go Community Day, as something that I regularly report on for this blog since almost the time it began. Unfortunately, that has become one of the victims of the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resulting disease has claimed many human victims, which is truly regrettable, but also regrettable is how it has also claimed victims of events related to Pokémon, even personally. It seems worthwhile to detail them in a post on this blog.

In Pokémon Go, the effects are widespread. As noted, Community Day became a victim, though in earnest this also occurred to a different extent last month, when it was dropped for areas already heavily affected by the virus; this time, it was dropped for everyone. This month's edition was to feature Abra along with something special for those who could afford to get more. Meanwhile in other areas, this month was intended to have a slew of Legendary Pokémon in raids - more on this separately - but this obviously couldn't be effective due to disease control restrictions; some instead became available through Go Battle League as encounter rewards. And since it would be inconvenient, Raid Hour fell victim as well and was canned. Furthermore, EX Raids also became canceled just a little over a week ago. To make up for many of these happenings, special bonuses (or countermeasures) were added to allow play to still proceed somehow even with restrictions, which I won't explain now. The point is that much of the things and more that had been planned fell apart.

Along with Pokémon Go, some competitions involving Pokémon also fell apart. Still in the realm of Pokémon Go, the Silph League Arena became problematic in the execution of this month's theme and tournaments (Toxic Cup), and as such, the possibility of its execution was extended to April. April will still have its own theme, which I'll discuss later, and this will be the theme for the Regional SLA championships... which will have practically no chance of being conducted in person due to restrictions in effect. Therefore, the SLA has allowed the possibility of remote tournaments, helped in part by a lifted restriction in Pokémon Go. In fact, the Toxic Cup I participated in a few days ago was one such tournament, which I took part in from the comforts of my own home. The case of remote tournaments will be for some time ahead. Of course, some competitions cannot be held remotely, like TCG matches, and this has resulted in the cancellation of regional TCG championships in my area. As for VGC, it has its own tradition of remote (online) tournaments, one of which was just completed recently for this year, but for live tournaments, they obviously just won't take place. The bigger fate of the World Championships this year seems to be overcast as well.

Even more unfortunate is other local personal agenda that involves some special characters.

Ash: Oh no! All events and conventions from now are gone?

Me: Yes, they're gone. They're postponed, actually, but who knows when they'll come up again. I can assure this even if they haven't assured it.

Pikachu: Pika chu... [quite dejected]

Ash: So that means... the one you sent me to a week ago is the last one?

Me: Yes, effectively so. There would have been a month's worth of events before a big rest, but now it's just a really big rest.

Ash: I'm sad, but I understand. I don't want to catch something bad and pass it on to you or even Pikachu.

Me: Exactly. That's the point. You go back to Pokémon training, and I'll tell you when things are back to normal. Stay safe.

Ash: Got it, I will. Come on, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Sure."]

So much has happened in the three months that this pandemic has plunged the world into chaos. Sadly, that's also the case for many events related to Pokémon, even by my own personal efforts. It has been total chaos and the end doesn't appear to be in sight any time soon. One can still hope that everything will become resolved, including things related to Pokémon, and that's totally valid; I have such hopes as well. In time, it just may happen, and the least I can do is to be there for it with this blog and my Pokémon spirit, ready to dive into it all again when the time comes.

One year ago: From One Path to Another
Two years ago: (Again a) Local Ex-Raid, 3/24/2018
Three years ago: The Many Forms of Pikachu in Shuffle

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