Friday, February 26, 2021

Ninth Cosplay Anniversary - Taking a Backseat

Well, for those who know me very well, they know that today is an important day for me. And those who are reading now, they can find out by my previous-year posts below. Today is certainly my cosplay anniversary, the exact day I started cosplaying years ago, for which today is the ninth. But then, this time in the world still doesn't seem to be quite the right time for cosplay, especially my Pokémon cosplay. It seems that the world is demanding me and other cosplayers to "take a backseat" for now, and that seems to be something good to do.

The state of the world today doesn't leave much room on the "front seat" to do the things as many used to be able to do, and that includes cosplay. To be able to mingle, interact, and perform with or in the company of other people is a difficult proposition from the standpoint of precautionary measures for current situations. In some cases, it may simply be asking for trouble, which could have been the case for an earlier case of mine. In any case, I as a Pokémon cosplayer and other cosplayers have reluctantly taken our places in the "backseat" and additionally put cosplay on the "back burner".

Even so, things on the "back burner" can still "cook" and people on the "backseat" can still "drive", and the same could be true for cosplayers and cosplay. I and others could use the opportunity to strengthen our cosplay portfolio with improvements to costumes or even photos of our costumes, provided there are others willing to help. I've already thought about doing such, but things will take time. Online competitions and networking for cosplay may still be good too, though I'm reluctant to call them "events" since they can't cover possibly everything I and other cosplayers used to do. In the end, the "backseat" is still a "backseat" and only so much can be done from there. And...

Me: Maybe this would be a good time to talk since we're not going to have an opportunity in whatever's left of the month to talk in an entire post.

Ash: Well, you've been sending me to events for nine years, and all of that has been wonderful. You've introduced me-

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Ash: -and Pikachu to a lot of people by the way you and I do things. It's been great to do that up front while we're still able to. For now it's fine that we do things from the back.

Me: I guess.

Ash: We can still support you from the back for the photos, connecting, and things like that. That way, we'll be ready when the world is ready for us.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Absolutely!"]

Ash: Don't forget - our character power is for you.

I suppose that's true. Cosplay is about putting up a character regardless of the cosplayer or situation. In these uncertain times, that seems to be just as doable from the "backseat" as it is from the "front seat". For now, that "backseat" seems to be the part where I and other cosplayers ought to "ride" until we can return to the front.

Happy ninth cosplay anniversary to me.

Four years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary


  1. Asking for trouble, indeed. Especially since the world is as divided as it currently stands.

  2. Given a previous experience that is typical, it seems that the current conditions have to settle before anything can go on.

    1. A cosplay convention is literally about the cram. You try regulating that, and people would either disregard it or be demotivated to attend in the first place. Then there's some people who openly rebel because they think it's all a pie in the sky. I happened to know one of those people.

    2. Hopefully when things settle down, this will no longer be too much of a matter.


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