Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Quickies: Staying Productive with Pokémon

OK, things are about to get incredibly hectic for me within the next few weeks ahead, and those who might have read many of my latest posts might recognize that I've been "stuck in a rut" in regard to their format. Therefore, I've decided to try something new and force upon myself a different format. I call it "Quickies", where I regard a current situation with a Pokémon perspective or a Pokémon situation with different perspectives, all with not more than a few paragraphs (3 to 4 tops). So here I go.

So that "incredibly busy" thing is related to being productive, as the title suggests, though with another thing than Pokémon. Even so, I find that Pokémon in whatever form does help myself pace through whatever it is I'm attempting to stay productive with. Often, a little bit of something Pokémon (like posting on this blog or playing a little bit) helps me to refresh my mind, helping me to not be "stuck in a rut". And it seems that things go both ways regarding this state of affairs.

For both that thing and Pokémon, I have faced a problem in the form of power loss - as in, electricity. It isn't my fault, but the effects are rather profound and leave me literally in the dark. While I'd love to be able to peruse the aid of an Electivire - according to its role, and perhaps that one with the best stats possible in my Pokémon Go storage - that's really only a pipe dream, and I'd have better luck finding something equivalent to a Litwick or Lampent, as one of my Pokémon Go fellows suggested when it happened.

I suppose Pokémon gives me a reason to stay productive, even if some things are purely imaginative. That boost in productivity has to be important to somehow keep myself going and, in the end, everything Pokémon that involves me as well. I'm sure that whatever will go in the next few weeks will benefit from this as well and I can reap the Pokémon benefits at an eventual point in time. It's going to be a heck of a time in the weeks ahead, and hopefully Pokémon and this new blog format will help with that.

One year ago: On (No) Coincidences
Four years ago: Space

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