Thursday, February 25, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 2/25/2021

Today's a good day for the Pokémon Go event rollup, and in fact, it's the last day I can make it for this month, for reasons that will soon become obvious. Now, last month's events were quite celebratory, and those of this month can be said to continue the trend, especially for what they celebrate. It also happens to be quite a mixed bag of sorts as the celebrations are or were for both the real world and the virtual world, but they are all still quite appropriate - this current Pokémon Go season is called "Celebration" after all.

After a bevy of regional celebrations in February, it seemed that Team Go Rocket naturally wanted one of its own, and they got it with the Team Go Rocket Celebration in the first week of this month. The Grunts appeared more often at PokéStops and by balloons (every 2 hours instead of 6) and the Leaders also had a Wailmer of a time, even giving out Gift stickers with their likenesses after battling with them. Shady Pokémon appeared in the wild and in the Strange Eggs that the leaders may award, and Research (Field and Timed) demanded going after this shady team and more in order to celebrate what's right and downplay what's wrong.

Dipping back into the real world, there was a celebration for a great Eastern festival, the Lunar New Year. For this year, the celebration focused on red Pokémon in the wild and raids, iconic festival Pokémon in Eggs, lucky and prosperous Pokémon (like Meowth and Miltank) in Field Research, and the icon of this year, Tauros, in Timed Research. This celebration also marked the debut of Mega Gyarados as a new Mega Evolution species and greater Lucky possibilities, both for Pokémon and Trainer friends, who could also benefit from more Poké Balls in Gifts. The prosperity and luck factors were evidently turned up for this celebration.

Following luck and prosperity, there was love to be had with the Valentine's Day celebration. This time, the Munna species family was introduced into the world, along with Shiny Alomomola and lovely Pokémon all around in the wild, Research, Eggs, and raids. This celebration also included a Collection Challenge that was somewhat weighted toward raids, which really did give it a challenge. The Lucky possibilities from the Lunar New Year celebration remained, but with bonus Berries from Gifts instead. With that, perhaps "lucky love" was on the minds of some Trainers as well to catch all the featured Pokémon.

While Pokémon Go Tour is supposed to serve as the culminative celebration for Kanto, there's no reason it can't have a celebration of its own, and thus there is the Kanto Celebration to close out this month and this season, and to become (part of) the peak of this year's Pokémon anniversary. Obviously, it features first-generation species by all means (wild, Incense, Research, Eggs, and raids) plus a Timed Research set and a Raid Day set to occur on Sunday, just after things really peak. Those that haven't finished the Go Tour Collection Challenges have until that time too to do so, just as a friendly reminder to celebrate as well as possible.

The mix of real and virtual influences in this month's celebration is reminiscent of a certain mission statement, and in that sense the statement is fulfilled. As with last month, the true aura of celebrations seems off to a certain extent with what goes on in the world, but life with Pokémon goes on, and it goes on as well in Pokémon Go. It has to go on - one of the biggest celebrations Pokémon will have is about to occur, and one can't ask for much more than ways to ride the momentum to it, even in Pokémon Go by way of its events.

Two years ago: Meeting of the Minds

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