Saturday, February 6, 2021

Movie Manga, Local (Re) Edition

It's been some time since I discussed anything related to Pokémon books or manga, but that's mostly because I haven't had something new to discuss on this front. Recently, though, I was able to obtain something - actually, a couple of things - that's both kind of new and kind of old; they're new because I don't have them, but they're also old because I already do have them in a sense and in some form. Nevertheless, I feel they may be of some use and are valuable additions to my Pokémon collection, so here they are.

These are local (that is, Indonesian language) editions of the Pokémon manga that are adaptations of the feature films. They are published by a renowned national publisher that also manages the publication of local editions of other Japanese manga from other very well-known and popular series. In that sense, the publisher can be considered quite reputable. Compared to the English versions (for the one on the left at least), these are about half as thick, more compact in length and width, and one-fifth of their retail prices, but contain more or less the same content. So they're fairly affordable for the locals, though I have to admit that I got these on sale, both for half off, and I got lucky.

The one on the left needs no introduction, as it is the local version of the movie manga that precisely started off my collection of Pokémon manga, for which I obtained the English version some years ago. The one on the right is a little more complicated. It's clearly an adaptation of the "I Choose You!" feature film, but it also has the "Remix" tag attached to it and is a single volume, unlike the two-volume adaptation (which I'm informed also exists locally, but I didn't find them when I got these). Both will be read when I get to them, and I'm especially curious about the one on the right.

Personally, I'm happy to own Pokémon movie manga any which way - provided I'm able to understand them - but these local editions are significant too, in comparison to, say, the English editions. The fact that I also got them on the cheap can be regarded as a fortuitous perk. But the biggest perk of all would be the valuable additions to my collection and the potential enjoyment that I will have with them, possibly leading to other things as well. The Pokémon aspect remains key to all that and so much more.

One year ago: In My Full Time
Three years ago: Life with My Raid Group

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