Monday, February 8, 2021

The Sweetness of "Attractors"

A unique facet of the world of Pokémon is how certain creatures that bear the name can attract with or be attracted by certain things. These things, which I will call "attractors" for the purpose of this post, have a key characteristic in that they are sweet, and that is definitely something attractive for most beings. What probably comes to mind, especially mine, is just how sweet those things are, particularly in their ability to attract Pokémon. That leads to the conception of this post in order to flesh out the sweetness of those "attractors". Specifically, I'm considering a few well-known things that do the job.

One of those things is the move Sweet Scent, or at least what results from the move. It is usually depicted as a pink cloud and/or a shower of pink petals. The petals, of course, are reminiscent of cherry blossom or sakura petals, and similar plants tend to produce similarly sweet-smelling things. The pink cloud that results can be construed as being redolent of the smell, allowing it to attract Pokémon of different kinds. Yet, it also has to be considered that different Grass-type Pokémon have different capabilities, and this might possibly affect the quality of the Sweet Scent. The Roselia species family, for example, which is expected to be capable of Sweet Scent, would be expected to have a more rose-like smell than a cherry-like smell. Regardless, the capability would remain the same.

In the Sinnoh region, it is possible to encounter golden trees with a sweet smell. These don't attract Pokémon all on their own, but if one had a jar of Honey in possession, then the bark of the tree could be slathered with it, and it would eventually attract Pokémon. There would be no question that the Honey would be similar to the same object in real life, but because of its evidently attractive and sweet quality, it could be construed to be sweeter and still more fragrant than the actual object in real life. The fact that it could be slathered on trees might also lead to the conclusion that it's a little stickier, perhaps like the sap from certain kinds of trees. The attractive force would still be its heavy sweetness. 

Of things that attract Pokémon, it's hard to escape items that many Pokémon Go Trainers frequently put into use: Incense and Lure Modules. They emanate a general or specific sweet aroma to attract Pokémon. With the pink cloud or petals present by putting them into use, the principle would perhaps be not much different than a Sweet Scent, but the aroma would be considerably different depending on the general or specific aroma intended to attract any kind or specific kinds of Pokémon and which item is used.

The "attractors" of the Pokémon world are quite varied, but they are united by the way that they work, which is by exuding sweetness to draw Pokémon, at which point they can then be battled and/or captured. They are all unique just as the Pokémon themselves are unique, and they can seemingly work with attuned levels of sweetness. That should be sweet enough for any Pokémon and their Trainers in any kind of attracting situation.

One year ago: Memories and Mnemonics
Two years ago: Pokémon Clocks

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