Saturday, February 27, 2021

Suddenly Silver: Pokémon Day 2021 - 25th Anniversary

At last, it's here, after several months of expecting it. It's gilded, it's gleaming, it's the 25th anniversary - the silver anniversary - of Pokémon. With apologies to fans of a certain comic strip, it really does feel like that; things go on, and on, and on... and wham - suddenly, it's the big anniversary. Being it is a significant anniversary, there has to be a few big things going for it on the big day, and there are, but they'll be explained soon enough. It's also pertinent to provide more of my views, now that the big day has come. 

It's been said that the silver anniversary represents a kind of brilliant harmony of an union (that is, of a marriage, traditionally). That brilliant harmony is what keeps the union going for all that time, all of the 25 years. I'd say there has been brilliant harmony for Pokémon in all its various forms, whether for Trainers to their Pokémon, Trainers among each other, or fans of all different backgrounds including gaming, entertainment, and merchandise. That much is quite incredible and any fan of anything Pokémon should be proud to be part of it all. 

It wouldn't be complete without some words about the games as something par for the course for Pokémon, and a few hours ago, another edition of Pokémon Presents appeared with updates on current games and their anniversary happenings, as well as updates on upcoming games. For that, I can give a brief preview for now: it might have something to do with taking pictures, a region that's been on everyone's minds for some time, and a totally new game concept. All of these are tantalizing, and I'll let them have their own spotlight in another post.

An occasion this big and special to enjoy, and that comes by way of an artist named Post Malone. He has a song fitting for this Pokémon anniversary, and it can already be heard right away; those who played one of the older main series games should recognize the Pokémon touch throughout. For those wanting somewhat more, the artist is holding a virtual concert on YouTube that is due to start in a few hours. If any of the songs to be featured in the concert will have similar touches, then it's definitely worth watching, and I'm sure I will.

Today is a pinnacle, a milestone, and a significant time to be a Pokémon fan with a major anniversary. While it's overshadowed by the current conditions of the world, there's no reason that Pokémon things can't go on, as with the tagline for this major anniversary. Looking at the above, there are indeed ways for that, especially for the games once they are fully developed. For now, some celebrations and commemorations are in order, and they'll surely find ways to go on as Trainers, fans, and Pokémon itself go on as well.

Happy wonderful, gleaming, and silvery 25th anniversary.

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