Thursday, February 11, 2021

Friendship Filters in Pokémon Go

Even with the new format I've decided to put in, I can still write all the things I can write as in previous posts, including full writeups of certain things. One of those things is regarding certain features in Pokémon games, for this post being from Pokémon Go. Nearly two years ago, I detailed about the possible things one can put into the search bar for its Pokémon Storage. With further updates, a search bar was also added to the Friend List, and it too eventually gained further capabilities, which for this post I call "filters".

The simplest filter is of course the "name" filter, and that serves to search the list by the typed-in name, in part or in full. But there are also three criteria filters to help narrow down a search: they are "interactable", "giftable", and "lucky". The first one is for friends that haven't been interacted with for the day, the second one is for friends that can be given (in other words, can receive) a Gift, and the third one is obvious - it's for Lucky Friends. Of these, the first two are likely to be of frequent use by many, including myself, to make sure that interactions can proceed as they should; the third one may be of use when Lucky Friends are a major priority.

Level filters also exist in the form of "friendlevel" followed by a number from 0 to 4. "0" represents friends that have only been just made with no interaction, while the rest of the numbers represent the four friendship levels of Good, Great, Ultra, and Best Friends. As with number filters in the Pokémon search bar, dashes can be used to search for friends in the ranges of these levels, though it is most likely that one will search for certain friends in certain levels, possibly to ascertain which friends can and will go up a level at the next possible opportunity. Likewise and naturally, this includes myself in most cases.

The "Boolean operators" that are present for the Pokémon search bar are also present for the friend list search. The forms are the same ("&" for AND, "," for OR, and "!" for NOT) and their usage is the same too. As an all-inclusive example, the search string "friendlevel3, giftable & !lucky" will show me Ultra Friends or friends that can be given a gift but are not Lucky Friends. Though there are far fewer filters for friends than there are for Pokémon, the search string can possibly get complicated when these operators are involved.

With the assumption that things that look the same function the same way, the Friend List search bar definitely fulfills that assumption. There are filters with specific criteria as well as filters for certain levels, and they all can be intertwined to show various friends, depending on what one is looking for. As friends in Pokémon Go develop, so too do the ways for one to seek the necessary friends in their Friend List for particular cases, and all the filters above represent the possible ways that they might occur.

One year ago: To Eat and to Lure
Two years ago: A Pidove Keychain
Three years ago: Memories of Hoenn
Four years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

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