Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Peak of Celebrations

I was going to title this post "The End of Celebrations", but I realized it would not quite be appropriate to a certain extent. The initial reason for doing so was primarily because the season of Celebration in Pokémon Go ends today, and a new one will begin tomorrow, for which the details are best to be saved for later. But then that's just one of the many celebrations that have occurred or are occurring recently, so the title above would have been a misnomer. I decided instead to go with the current title, and it's a much better fit.

The big thing, of course, is the silver or 25th anniversary of Pokémon, for which the big day was yesterday. But the celebration really doesn't end there, for it can and does go beyond, as can be discerned from my initial "road-to" post. Much remains to be divulged and to be discussed, particularly by yours truly, as they come. Though of course once it goes into the next year it will be another number for the anniversary, at least anything that comes now should fit well into the framework of the current anniversary, so my coverage will continue until whenever the momentum wears off. The road to it may end, but the road from it is only beginning.

Back to Pokémon Go, as promised, there was that Raid Day that occurred today. It featured the three birds of Kanto, which I and my fellows took part in. Some of us got pretty good results, even if some of us decided only to raid remotely, which is better than nothing. Other than that, today was a "tie-up-loose-ends" kind of day, which is fine. It marks for a mellow finish to the current season and the act of expecting the next one.

As for this month being an anniversary month, that remains something true, as I posted earlier for that of one of my groups. In fact, it can be said to even continue all the way up until the end today, almost like how I posted about another anniversary two years ago (see below), though that one was rather indirect. Therefore, this time being a "peak" is considered appropriate.

Later on down this year, there will surely be more Pokémon and Pokémon-related things to celebrate. But there's nothing like the current "peak" of celebrations coupled with the big Pokémon anniversary. All that this Pokémon fan can say is best wishes for everything.

Two years ago: The Birthday of a Hero
Three years ago: Cosplay Poses

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