Friday, February 12, 2021

Fourth Anniversary of My Regional Figure Group

February seems to be a month that is rife with many anniversaries, Pokémon or otherwise. Of these, there are two major ones - one personal and the other universal - but those are to be discussed when their times come. Right now, there seems to be one I've missed based on posts in previous years (see below). That would be a group that I have warm connections with, and that would be my regional Pokémon figure group. Evidently, it's still quite warm, even with the current situation looming large over everyone's heads, including mine. A Pokémon-related anniversary such as this one deserves a bit of discussion on this very day, the exact date of the anniversary.

I joined the figure group somewhat late, about one and a half years after its founding, by way of attending one of their opportune gatherings. Even with nary a figure of my own, they were very welcoming and continued to be as such in all occasions when I've been able to meet them, including the last physical one thus far that coincided with a theme event just prior to when things fell apart, as well as the virtual gathering a few months later. As noted, they consider me (and consequently, I consider myself) a "living figure" because the characters I cosplay are present in figure form, and I think that somewhat makes up for my lack of figures. That has to be the warmest reception.

The current anniversary is only moderately special, and yet it is not quite normal either. However, I was told that some things are or were in preparation, and that I could participate in those preparations. In fact, I already hinted about the form of those preparations: it's a "pass challenge", but in a general anniversary form with a cake. One of my figure fellows, who also resides in my local area, also received the call to participate, and we decided to cooperate by recording each other's videos. As of yet, there has been no word on the progress of the overall video, but I have faith that it will be realized soon. 

Now, I did discuss about the possibility that this group of mine had "deactivated", so to speak, a couple of months ago. The discussion was based on the (non-)happenings that had occurred since that virtual gathering. With today's anniversary being pointed out, I'd say that I am neither right nor wrong. What's deactivated is more likely our figure activities at present - now isn't the right time to invest in or even divest of figures, also as I've noted - but the group itself isn't. The leader of my group even closed the anniversary commemoration message with a reminder to stay strong during these times.

A few years have passed by and I've given this specifically personal Pokémon anniversary little thought, but now with current times in mind and the novelty of it, it makes for a good discussion. Figures have never been really a primary Pokémon attraction for me, but as a fan, I oblige myself to own a few at the least. Therefore, I consider my (regional) figure group important, even if we must be separated by distance and if the group has not shown a great amount of activity in recent times. In a month full of anniversaries, even a fun but subdued one like this has some amount of importance.

Three years ago: Anywhere Is

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