Monday, February 22, 2021

(Pokémon) Songs as Advice

A few days ago, I heard someone discuss about viewpoints on the world. According to the person's viewpoints, songs that people sing in the world can be construed as advice for other people. Being that my mind is oriented to Pokémon, I also thought about how Pokémon songs can fit into the framework of this viewpoint. After thinking about it, I would say that the viewpoint seems to apply, despite the specificity that many Pokémon songs have.

An example of such specificity is the song known far and wide to western Pokémon fans as "Pokémon Theme". At its surface, it remains a song about a Trainer wanting to be all that one can be, certainly with Pokémon in tow. If it were to be considered as advice, the message of the song would be "to prepare" - the world should be ready to welcome the best, some Pokémon should be ready to join forces with the best, and one should be ready to make good on the promise to become the best. It's a little deep, but the advice makes sense for all who are involved.

A song that may be considered much less specific but has an element of advice to it is "Just Like a Rainbow", as the English version of a Japanese Pokémon song. Even with that being the case, there is nothing to really suggest that the song is tied to Pokémon, but it really is. In fact, the whole song is practically the piece of advice itself, being that "tomorrow is a better day", like the rainbow that comes after the rain has fallen, certainly as the light shines through. The advice remains a deep message, but not as deep as the previous song, which takes a bit of interpretation.

That becomes a key point as well. Whether English or Japanese, Pokémon or not, as the lyrics of songs are open to interpretation, so are the messages of songs and therefore the advice that can be gleaned from them. It's something that a singer of sentiments has explained in the past, though I chose to elucidate the message in a different way. On that note, the advice that I've gleaned from the previous two songs are effectively my advice, and others are free to glean their own advice from them and other songs as well - as long as they are helpful, of course, for that is its intent.

I'll have to admit, there are a few of the viewpoints of the person I've mentioned at the beginning that I may not necessarily agree with. But on the subject of songs becoming possibly a source of advice, that seems to be something I'll concur on. And if the songs in question are Pokémon songs, then I'm all for it. Deeply related to Pokémon or not, there may always be something worthwhile to glean from a particular song.

Three years ago: Trainer Caps, and a Teaser
Four years ago: Back in the Park

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