Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Learning from Each Other, for Life

There are some things about Pokémon and me that I can't state enough. One of those things is that I don't know everything about it, though as a fan, I demand myself and am demanded to know as much as I can by learning about those things. Fortunately, I have a neat source from which that learning can take place, and that would be from other Pokémon fans. In fact, the case can be made that we learn from each other, and that makes for a fascinating phenomenon.

In January, I had connected with another Pokémon fan over the Internet, and in that moment, both of us started out by learning - specifically, we learned about different ways to put up the letter "é" on screen, something I had discussed very early on in my blogging efforts. While I still stand by my discussed methods, it was fascinating to learn about those that are used by others, and I as a fan felt that I had gained something from it - perhaps the other fan as well.

Meanwhile, closer to today, when I grouped up for this month's Community Day, we not only had a good time catching Pokémon, but we also shared tips on a variety of related matters, including searching for Pokémon and a possible way to gain more Candy XL. Both are things that are felt to be important for our respective adventure efforts, but in a sense they are all important regardless in order to expect more possibilities from our adventures and beyond.

As it so happens, I'm currently also knee-deep in things not so much related to Pokémon, but more related to learning - as in, a more formal kind. Some of those things are also specifically lifelong learning, or learning throughout one's life. If anything, the occurrences from the past two months prove that this can happen with something informal like Pokémon, and that it can happen with those who share some of the exact passions for everything about it.

I've been a fan of Pokémon for a long time and the "lifelong learning" thing holds. I've also been in contact with many different fans of Pokémon, and the possibility of learning something from them also holds. While it may be that I never will know everything about Pokémon, it's still a relief that somehow the learning can take place in the company of other people and continue for as long as I am a fan, which I expect to be while I am still very much alive and well.

May we as Pokémon fans continue to learn from each other, hopefully for all our lives.

Two years ago: Don't Forget Our Roots
Four years ago: Memories of Johto

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