Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021: No Love, Only Love

As I've said, love is around the corner indeed. Today is Valentine's Day, obviously, and it's hard to deny the fact for everyone in the know. It's also hard to deny the fact that this edition of Valentine's Day is very much different, this time for everyone, due to the state that the world is in today. At the same time, whether or not that is the case, love is still present, perhaps in a different form than what one may be used to. That's why I've included the seemingly contradictory phrases in the title of this post, which became my response to a matter that partially involved Pokémon and thus fitting for the current discussion.

In my experience, it seems that some Pokémon fans don't seem to get the love they need - this is the "no love" part above. It may be perceived as "not current", "backwards" (in a developmental sense), or "trivial" in the sense of their relation to Pokémon compared to everything else. Based on a conversation I had with the observers I met today on my errands, that seems to still be the case even today. The hardest part, therefore, would be to convince people that Pokémon is in fact still current, not just backwards but forwards, and major. As a fan, I seem to have to play a role in that through whatever I do with Pokémon as those people observe, and at that point, love might just appear.

As for the "only love" part, that might be a little harder. If there is a good example, it may be found in my figure group. Now two members lead married lives, one I've divulged at a certain point in time and the other practically since I've joined them. What I can garner is that there is a sense of love that has continued to approve of their continued presence in the group, and hopefully that remains the case onwards. Personally, I consider the reversal of the "no love" situation above an important step in transitioning to an "only love" situation, and it would be even better if important people like friends can be involved. They would certainly be the testament to the situation, especially involving Pokémon.

One of my errands today involved going out to shop for groceries, get some outdoor needs, and... enliven the day of a few friends while they enliven mine with possible current and future prospects. This, all the while, was intertwined with some efforts for Pokémon Go. I would say that in doing so, there was a certain spirit of love all around, and by that, I'm tempted to call this Valentine's Day as "Palentine's Day". This last bit actually has a Pokémon connection with certain female characters from there, but maybe now is not the right time to detail that. I still would say that the concept very much applies and can be used to describe this day and beyond with all my Pokémon efforts.

After years of discussing Valentine's Day, I can say that love seems to still remain in this world in some capacity. If that can only remain, I would say that the world would benefit greatly. Likewise, it would benefit with the relations that people have with and to Pokémon. There is no time like now to be able to turn around situations of "no love" and ensure that "only love" is at hand, and if it takes Pokémon for that, then I can only appreciate the effort.

Keep love (and Pokémon) in the world, and Happy Valentine's Day.

Four years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

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